Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Kobe Williams (1st Period) - March Against Trump

Over a million people in the US (not even including the Women's March) decided to head to the streets and take a stand against the new president the day after the inauguration. With their signs ready, thousands upon thousands of Americans walked the streets in protest against Donald Trump.

It is surprising, yet expect to see so many people all across the country going out of their way to protest against the president. To be truthful, it would have been a lot more surprising had there been no one protesting. Especially with all of the hate going into this election. The only thing Americans all across the US can hope for is that the government acknowledges this event and takes action to it. Though it is amazing to see the nation come together, even if it is over a situation such as this one.

Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2017/01/21/politics/one-million-marchers-outside-washington/index.html

1 comment:

  1. We can only hope that these same people continue to fight and protest. It's obvious that this march didn't change anything in the President's eyes, and he probably never will. But the community can still do a whole lot together.
    -Anna Czyzewski
