Monday, October 24, 2016

Summary-As the day of the presidential election comes nearer all the eyes of the world are upon us waiting for Americans to elect their next president. As we are well aware off all the American people have been divided into the ones that supports Donald Trump and the ones in Hillary’s team. But what about the rest of the world? What do they think of America? The article written by Carrie Gracie, the china editor from BBC news shares some of her opinions. In a point of view of a 19-year old Chinese student American’s election had come more about the entertainment than politics therefor she laughs. Not only she laughs but the whole communist party does because they see the election as a win: a defeat that proves that American democracy is just a ‘’sham’’. One estate owner went as far to say ‘’The race for the bottom will make people rethink the value of democracy ‘’

Analysis- The truth is that people from china want and admire western democracy because the communist party more to often tend to oppress the people by using propaganda and or the so called patriotic education. Ever since president Xi Jinping was elected president he has adopted the term consultative democracy which has maintained the country stable for about forty years thanks to china’s consultative system  and the intense deliberation within the party .The author of the article clearly points out that china shouldn’t be judging and criticizing the democracy in American when china itself is has struggled with its people .I do think the upcoming presidential election has everyone with their  hairs in the air and  that the next president will hold the future of America , the only solution to a conflicted  hearts is to trust the people to make the right decision for the country. 

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