Thursday, September 1, 2016

Grace Schwall- Trump Immigration policy

Summary: This article by Julia Preston from the New York Times outlines Trump's plans to deport undocumented immigrants in the United States. It expresses that the main goal is to deport immigrants with criminal records but also points out the fact that Trump plans on deporting immigrants with even minor violations on their record. He will also take a more aggressive approach on finding immigrants as he wants to make the deportation process faster.

Analysis: The point of this article is to express the harshness and aggressiveness of Trump's immigration plan. It even compares parts of Obama's plan with Trump's to show some of the stark differences. Trump's attitude towards immigrants is comparable to that of American's towards Native Americans from the days of the 13 colonies until the early 20th century in that it dehumanizes an entire people. The Indian Appropriations Act of 1851included plans to uproot Native Americans from their homes just like Trump's plan involves many people being taken from their homes in the United States. Many immigrants have families who have lived in the United States their whole lives and deportation would radically change their way of life. There must be a gentler way to address immigration in tour country. 


  1. I defiantly agree, the aggressiveness Trump has towards immigrants really shows how the Spanish were with the natives. And instead of recognizing them for their differences, they discriminate and see them as something to exterminate.

  2. This comparison is completely accurate! Donald Trump is dehumanizing many Americans just so that he can get what he wants. We must do something about this plan if he gets elected in the future.

  3. I love the comparison of Donald Trumps aggressiveness to the immigration policy and the aggressive behavior of the natives from the Spanish. I also agree with you, there should be a gentler way to approach the harsh potential immigrant policy because of specific reasons, like family, that might be someones motivation to come to America.

  4. I totally agree that Trump's way of handling the situation is very harsh, and they need a gentler way to address immigration. He's also acting very much like the Spanish towards the Native Americans, and I don't believe we should as a nation be going back to those harsh and terrible times. Additionally, that's scary for the families that have been here their whole lives. What does Trump expect them to do in this situation?

  5. I can't express enough how much I love the comparison. It's so fitting. And it doesn't make any sense that Trump wants to deport immigrants with minor violations, I mean wasn't America founded by a couple of immigrants.
