Saturday, September 3, 2016

Emma Lochabay- Increase of the Cost of Epipen Hits Hard at School

Epipen is an injection containing epinephrine (adrenaline), a chemical that narrows blood vessels, opens an airway in the lung, and relaxes muscles which can save a person in an allergic reaction. In the course of seven years, the price of this life saving drug increased by $500. Even though the company that makes the Epipens, Mylan, came out with a statement saying that their membership program will help part of the cost, some people resorted to buying the medicine and injecting themselves it using their own syringes. The price increase has especially affected families that are heading back to school and have to pay thousands of dollars to just keep their families healthy and safe.
I have heard about this increasing problem all over the news and personally from family and friends who are being negatively affected by this increase. In my opinion, the cost of a medicine that millions of people in our world need should not be allowed to cost so high. Something that is such a necessity in some peoples life, should not be at such a high price that some people can not pay. This article is very important because of how many people it affects. People all over our world today suffer from food allergies and are prescribed to have an Epipen with them at all times. Hopefully this problem will resolve soon so that families do not have to pay a fortune to keep their family healthy and safe.


  1. I understand what you're arguing here, but the cost of EpiPens is so high BECAUSE they are such a necessity in some people's lives. The way Big Pharma is exploiting people's needs is appalling, but to resolve the problem you would have to disrupt american free market economy. I, too, hope this problem will soon be resolved by another company driving prices down, but the chances of that happening in a society so driven by greed are small.

  2. Being someone who is very allergic to peanuts and needs an EpiPen wherever I go, it's really sad to read about the issue. I'm lucky because my parents' insurance lowers the cost, but for those who don't have insurance, it's scary to think that someone may die just because they couldn't afford medicine.

    1. I agree, to see these prices so high is scary. What if people who have severe allergies can't afford an EpiPen? I hope that these prices can be brought down soon so more people's lives can be saved by using the medicine.

  3. These prices seem so unnecessarily high. Why wouldnt they want everyone to be able to afford a life saving product?

  4. Yes you are right. People with major allergies will be more at risk if they are discouraged to buy Epipens often the difference between life and death for many people.
