Monday, April 25, 2016

Trump V Kasich and Cruz-Sebastian Niño

Kasich and Cruz decided it was up to them to team together to deny Trump the republican nomination. He said that their efforts were "weak" and "pathetic" considering he believes he's already got the nomination in the bag and that there's almost no stopping him. Trump says that their cooperation is an example of corruption in politics. He continued to constantly barrage them with rude and negative comments about the entire incident. While I do someone agree with the point Trump is trying to make I believe that he's going about it all wrong and I also think that he shouldn't, be the republican nominee. Will Trump ever learn how to properly conduct himself? The world may never know. 

1 comment:

  1. It's the only way there gonna beat donald trump and john kaisch knows it and ted cruz knows it. I know they despise each other but it is the only option. Now I just wanna see how it affects the race.
