Monday, April 25, 2016

Kenley Turner 3rd- Colorado Town's Entire Police Department Resigns

Summery: A Marshall and three Deputies, the entire police department from Green  Mountain Falls, resigned. Nobody is speaking about why they resigned, although they are investigating. People are concerned about law enforcement in the city because there is currently no police department, but city council is taking care of that. The mayor of the town, Jane Newberry says that she believes they stepped down because of the fact that it is an election year. Apparently this isnt the first time that there hasnt been a police department in the town, although the town is currently working on filling the positions.

Analysis: I think it is very strange that the ENTIRE police department stepped down. Usually it is just one or two people at a time, but this certainly takes it to a new level. All through out the 20th century it seems that when a police officer did something unethical or wrong, people would either just accept it as a part of society, or just look the other way. But now, due to the black lives matter movement, when police are caught doing bad things, they are heavily criticized and usually resign. When the entire town's police department resigns I would think that it is due to some kind of scandal and I am interested to see where this story goes.


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