Sunday, April 24, 2016

Obama dismisses N Korea proposal to 'halt' nuclear tests Jasmine Rodriguez Period 4

This article talks about how Obama did not agree to North Korea's proposal to stop nuclear tests if US ends its annual military exercises with the South. Obama did not find validity in the proposal, nor did he want to stop the annual tests with the South. These tests routinely make the North angry, but the US feels they are necessary because of the weaponry the North possesses.

The compromise made in the article is similar to the proposal by Ronald Reagan following the Cold War. Reagan reenacted the Arms Race when he started what was know as Star Wars. He made public the United States' possession of missiles that could be used as defense against any nuclear weapons the Soviet Union could create. This almost forced the Soviet Union to halt the creation of nuclear weaponry.


  1. Olivia Browne Period 6
    The prospect of North Korea having nuclear weapons is frightening and we should do everything within our power to prevent them from using it.

  2. Although I believe we should do as much as we can to lower the chances of war with North Korea and decrease the amount of nuclear weapons at their disposal I don't think sacrificing another country's safety to do so is the answer. I think Obama made the right decision concerning the safety of South Korea.

    Shelby Linker, 8th period
