Current Events Blog for Mrs. Countryman's AP United States History class at Booker T Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Dallas, Texas.
Saturday, April 30, 2016
2 Children Found Tied in Texas Backyard// Arianna Sotero
It is truly disheartening to hear what these children and to go through and what they will probably remember for the rest of their lives. But, I am glad that officers discovered these children early enough before anything else happened to them. The deputies were able to respectively search the house and save the other children thanks to the 4th amendment, established in 1791, which states, "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” It is also great to know that the mother is being rightfully charged for her ignorance and neglect.
Black Bear Breaks Free- Emily Eppig
Even though Tuffy was saved, there are still thousands of bears being held captive in china being subjected to the same torture. Animal rescuers cant stop until every animal is healthy and living happily and freely, the way they were supposed to.
This issue is similar to the muckrakers of the early 1900s who exposed social injustices. Animal activists are working to expose these terrible living conditions for animals in order to gain awarness and support. Hopefully their efforts will not go in vain and every animal will one day be able recieve justice.

Madi Thoele, 4th Period: BYU Students Punished After Reporting Sexual Assault
Brooke (she does not want to disclose her last name) was raped in February of 2014, when she was a freshman. She was with a group of boys at an off-campus apartment and took hallucinogens voluntarily, thinking everyone else was going to do them, but turned out being the only one. She was then pulled into a bedroom. All 3 men assaulted her and 1 raped her. Brooke reported the case to the police, but 10 days later, she decided not to press charges, afraid of having to suffer through a long trial process. Brooke, however, did tell BYU's Title IX office, which deals with student sexual harassment and sexual violence. Her rapist was a student, and she wanted to keep the other students safe. "Because of the fact that I was on drugs, they used that reason to kick me out of school after reporting it", she said. The Mormon university said Brooke violated its Honor Code, a student code of conduct that bans things like drug and alcohol use, premarital sex, and going into the bedroom of someone of the opposite gender, all on and off campus.
University spokeswoman Carri Jenkins defends the policy. "A student would never, never, never have an Honor Code review for reporting sexual assaults, for being a victim of sexual assault." She said it would have to be an "egregious violation" that would create an Honor Code investigation from details of a report of sexual violence.
Sophomore Madi Barney, freshman Madeline MacDonald, and junior Margot Crandall all had similar experiences dealing with the Title IX office when reporting sexual assault/rape. Barney has filed a complaint against BYU with the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights. She also made an online petition wanting BYU to give "immunity" to those who make sexual violence reports and forbid investigating them for Honor Code violations. More than a 100,000 people have signed the petition. Last week, current and former students gathered at the school in protest, holding signs. They marched through BYU to deliver the petition to administrators.
Analysis: It's so upsetting to hear the countless cases where victims don't get the support they need from BYU. What's even worse is that not only are they not supported, but they're punished and even kicked out for it. This can be synthesized to the time directly following the Civil War. When slavery was abolished, the Freedmen's Bureau was established, which helped African Americans with food, clothes, and jobs. Unfortunately, along with that came Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws, which are what Southern states used to restrict their rights. They banned things like interracial marriage and introduced segregation. These laws can be compared to the Title IX office, restricting a person's rights when they should be getting nothing short of support and help.
Beware the Duck Boats - Isabella Montague 5th period
Crashes happen all of the time, but these Duck Tour Boats seem problematic. However, I have been on one in Galeveaton, and they are quite enjoyable (as long as we aren't killing any people walking by). These kind of boat/bus vehicles were first invented for use in World War II by the United States in order to go from water to land in the same vehicle. They were then used by civilian law enforcement agencies, until they finally started to be used for sightseeing purposes. That is an interesting development, because I can't see tanks or bombs being used for civilian tourist use like that.
- Isabella Montague 5th period
'Way Up There': Above the Earth and onward to Mars-- Demi Tomasides
Okay, whoa. This is super cool and no body can deny it (what makes this article even cooler is that it also talked about sending tourist to space...that's right my friends, in our life time WE COULD GO TO SPACE. I bet students in the 50's were writing their APUSH blogs saying "...that's right my friends, in our life time BUZZ ALDRIN COULD GO TO THE MOON"). This whole article is a direct relationship back to the 1950s and 60s when we were in the midst of the Cold War and a newly founded arms race with the Soviet Union. I wonder what JFK would think if he saw this now... I bet he'd be pretty psyched.
Senate Appoints First Female Officer for Warfighting Command--Becca Brandt 4th
The appointment of the first female officer in the Armed Forces/Air Force is a huge step. It sends the message that women are equal to men and they are just as strong. While doing synthesis on this article, I thought of two events in history: one was obviously the Women's Rights Movement. Women, such as Susan B. Anthony, fought forever to gain equality and rights. They succeeded, which is part of the reason Robinson was able to even be considered for this position, and it shows that women are still gaining more and more rights little by little. The second was the desegregation of the military. Women have already been in the military for many years now, but this appointment of officer is like a new step in women in the military.
Friday, April 29, 2016
"Punished After Reporting Rape At Birgham Young University" by Tea Perez 1st period
Sexual assault on university campuses have been scorned upon, not at the attacker but the victim. This gives men the right to rape women and get away with it very easily. However, this needs to change.
Dilma Rousseff Impeached- Tea Devereaux
Ever since Ms. Rousseff went into office, the economy has gone from bad to worse and many citizens strongly feel that she should be impeached. The impeachment progress in Brazil mirrors the one in the US. Since the majority of the lower house voted for her impeachment, the next step will be senate vote on trial and eventually an impeachment vote.

Thursday, April 28, 2016
"Beyonce" Julia Plummer pd 1
A few days ago, Beyonce released her new album in the form of an hour-long film. This release featured slow, heartbreaking, personal songs about problems in her personal life, and he mission to overcome these troubles. The main focus in the media's response to this album is her husband, Jay-Z's infidelity, as described by the first few songs on the album. Beyonce talks about how she took time to herself after her marriage to Jay-Z, and how that doesn't make her anything less than a strong, progressive woman, certainly not just "his little wife." The album also touches on progress, and forward movement in life- the pushing through problems that seem to hold one back.
Aside from a strong feminist message in her album, Beyonce also highlights the Black Lives Matter movement in her album. She also collaborates with many different artists, including the outspoken and brilliant Kendrick Lamar, who's music also has strong messages about racism and life for black people in today's America. Beyonce, being an African American woman,
says that the black woman is the most underrepresented and targeted person in America, and gives a shout out to the ongoing civil rights and equality movement that is ever-present in America today, just like it was so many years ago.
Joe Biden Visits Iraq (Bella Di Fazio 8th)
This is similar to Nixon visiting China to normalize their relationship, like Biden is doing with Iraq.
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
LGBT activist killed in Bangladesh - Kate Fehan 8th Period
"Yale Defies Calls to Rename Calhoun College" By Lisl Wangermann Period 1
There is a fine line between honoring this nation's history and glorifying racists, and it has become a matter of controversy within the past few years. For example, just this past summer, there was controversy over the Confederate flag and whether it should be allowed in public place or be sold in stores like Walmart. For some, it is just a part of history, but for the majority of people, it symbolizes racism and slavery. I believe that Yale should change the name of Calhoun College because its name has strong ties to slavery which should not be tolerated. Racism is still a huge issue in this country and honoring people who supported it is part of the problem.®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news
NASA maps Zika's potential spread in the U.S. desiree smith period 4
The blood-sucking females are responsible for the spread of dangerous diseases such as yellow and dengue fevers, chikungunya and now Zika.The researchers focused their analysis on 50 cities within or near to the currently known range of the Aedes aegypti in the United States.The resulting map, newly released in the journal PLOS Currents, applies factors such as temperature, amount of rainfall, poverty levels and travel to the United States from Zika-affected areas of the world. As rains and high temperatures begin to gather strength in the Southeast, the risk begins to rise, spreading across the South to California and up into the middle of the country.The cities in the study with the highest potential risk include Miami, Orlando, Tampa, Jacksonville and Tallahassee in Florida; Savannah, Georgia; Charleston, South Carolina; Mobile, Alabama; and New Orleans.
The Marshall research team produced the map in partnership with the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, among others. While most of the model seems in line with expectations of the spread of Zika, "There were some surprises," said Cory Morin, a NASA postdoctoral program fellow with Marshall's Earth Science Office. The CDC recently updated its maps on Zika-suitable areas of the United States, while an international group of researchers plotted potential environmental hot spots worldwide
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
U.S.'s Reaction to North Korean Missile Building (Bella Di Fazio 8th)
This is definitely like the Cuban Missile Crisis when Russia was building nuclear arms and the U.S. threatened to use force in order for it to stop. I feel like we need to approach this situation very carefully and with an open mind if we want to avoid a possible nuclear war. Personally, I feel like nuclear weapons are a uselessly dangerous took that shouldn't have been invented because of the long lasting damages it makes.
Luz Lopez(4th period)- How often should you pee?
This article was very interesting to read. This reminded me of when slaves were all cramed up in a ship or train and had to be like that for days. You had to pee on yourself because there was no room to move.
Colorado Police Dept. Resigns --Madeleine Norton, 4th period
Tony Marco/Catherine E. Shoichet of CNN reported Sunday on the issue, and seem to have found no further information as to why these officers have stepped down. From what we do know, on the other hand, the head marshall resigned and then the volunteer officers, having no one to lead them, were forced to resign as well. The journalists recently interviewing new Mayor Jane Newberry (who works approximately 15 miles away from Colorado Springs as of last week) to discuss/analyze this event that many people are talking about:
The article can be found here:
Monday, April 25, 2016
Fight Over Delegate Rules Escalates for Both Parties by Caroline North 9th period
While our Constitution dictates that elections swing toward the candidate with the highest electoral count, for years now there have been situations off and on where one may win the popular vote but did not receive the election because they lost in the electoral. Since we pride ourselves on being a democracy, shouldn't we ultimately elect who the people want? If a majority elects one man to be president, why would we prohibit them from taking office. Ultimately, the "winner", the one with a higher electoral count, will probably enter office with out a strong support system if he didn't win the popular vote and won't be favored enough to get much done anyway during his term anyway.
Charter's request to purchase Time Warner Cable cleared by regulators. - Bob Cummins Per. 6
This event calls back to the event of the Sherman Anti- Trust Act, which was meant to prevent monopolies. This is the reason Comcast could not purchase Time Warner Cable. The government would not let it happen so a monopoly could not form.
Pakistani Peril // Uriel Cruz, Period 6
This happened to a Pakistani grandpappy named Umer Hayat. He bought about 11 lbs of laddu for the crew to die of from Tariq Hotel & Sweet in the village of Karor Lal Essan, according to Layyah District Coordination Officer Rana Gulzar. Six brothers, a sister, and two children have died from the laddu while Hayat is in the hospital in critical condition.
Hold up, how'd the laddu kill 24 people? It's simple, the shopkeeper's servant accidentally mixed laddu with pesticide, at least according to Gulzar. The servant could've done it on purpose for all we know. The shop's closed down and the two brothers who are the shop's shopkeepers have been taken into custody. Think before you buy laddu.
This brings me back to the times of reform and muckraking. When Upton Sinclair published The Jungle and inspired Teddy Roosevelt to take charge and the Supreme Court to pass the Pure Food and Drug Act. Foods now have to be labeled so we know what we're eating, and conditions in the factories are improved so pesticide won't get mixed in with our laddu.
Pakistani Grandpappy Article //
US Cyber warfare by Eleanor EW
All of the 'fight against islam' started because of 9/11, a big terrorist attack and major event in United States History. The idea of technological warfare and computers was started by people like bill gates in the big technology revolution near the turn of the 21st century, when technology became a more major part of our lives.
Militants Kill Canadian Hostage Aleis Williams
This connects to the Iranian Hostage Crisis where Iran had stole some American Embassy peopleS America set out to get them back without anyone would be harmed or killed. Those people stayed in captivity for 444 daysd. The hostages that were with Ridsdel are still in captivity and everyone is working their best to try to get them back home safely.
Outrage at Bob Marley Snapchat Filter - Emily Rosuck 4th
While the snapchat lens was new and featured only for a short period of time, the issue of blackface has been a longstanding problem in America. Beginning in the 20's, when white actors would darken their faces with burnt coal or charcoal to play a black person, often with the intent of mocking their culture or behavior, blackface became popular in film and entertainment. While the use of blackface has exponentially diminished as our country has progressed socially, the issue of blackface in film still stands. Recently, Zoe Saldana has been put under fire for allegedly using "blackface" to play Nina Simone in the upcoming movie, "Nina." Though Saldana is African American, her skin appears to be significantly darker in her role as Nina. In any case, while the lens was not meant to spark outrage or be racist, there are undertones of racism everywhere in our daily lives, and we need to be aware of them so we can see it and stop it.
Man Rescued in Hydropod- Nicole Chatham 6th period
Analysis- This article is so crazy! I can't believe that someone would actually want to do this! I can relate this back in U.S. history to the transcontinental railroad. Although both the method of transportation in the article and the transportation created by the railroad are quite different, it shows that people are determined to travel great lengths to reach their dreams. Whether it's new opportunities, more land to settle or in Baluchi's case, a very odd goal, both types of transportation have greatly impacted many people's lives!
Link to the article
"The World Remembers Prince" - Connor Coleman (8th Period)
In recent years, we have lost many icons, from Robin Williams, to Joan Rivers to David Bowie to Alan Rickman, and unfortunately, Prince has been added to the repertoire. The death of Prince is very similar to both the cultural effects of the death of MJ and David Bowie. When Michael Jackson died, the world pulled out one silk glove and red leather in order to celebrate the King of Pop who made the 80s a thriller. For Bowie, it was no different. Lighting bolts flashed across faces as Labyrinth was played in households across America. Bowie's death even lead to the iconic performance by Lady Gaga at the 2016 Grammys. All in all, the country continues to take shock to iconic celebrities who make America so outstanding.
The world mourns the loss of our dear, Prince.
"Back At it Again With the Right to Vote" -Aleah Washington 1st period
2016 Candidates On Transgender Rights- Carlos Joglar
Target has recently been the center of controversy after allowing transgender people to use bathrooms of the gender they identify as. Last month, people were outraged over North Carolina passing House Bill 2, which required people to only use bathrooms that corresponded to their biological sex. Wether or not you agree with these policies, here are where the 2016 presidential candidates stand on the issue. To summarize, Cruz says to keep men out of girls' restrooms. Trump was vague as usual but surprisingly not necessarily against it. He just, "there have been very few complaints the way it is." Katich wouldn't have signed HB2. Bernie is coming through on civil rights, and condemns bathroom bills as discriminatory. Clinton basically said was Sanders said.
I am pleasantly surprised see that, out of 5, only 1 candidate is actually fully against it. That is, assuming all the candidates are being honest (which, in today's politics, is very dangerous). I fully knew Cruz was going to support discriminatory bathroom laws, that was not a surprise. I did think Trump was going to support these policies and I'm shocked to say I am pleased with his relatively laid-back attitude. I am a bit confused about Kasich's position. He just brought religion into it and this isn't a religious issue so I'm not really sure what he was doing but ok. At least he didn't say he supported it (or maybe he did?). As for Sanders and Clinton, I don't know for certain who said it first (though we can all guess it was Sanders because it took a little long for Clinton to support LGBTQ+ rights...) but they essentially said the same thing and it's a good thing that they said. Both are accurate in their statements that bathroom bills are discriminatory.
Trump University -Carrington Whigham
Trump University began in 2004 as an online opportunity, in 2007 live classes were introduced, creating an "actual" Trump University. The schools motive was to teach the secrets of the multimillionaires. Many students called it a scam, and the world soon publicized that a Trump degree was actually worthless. Students received full refunds. There is a case still today that is now worth 4 million dollars, against trumps scam.
In many presidential elections they bring up Trump University against him, because it serves so well as a statement reporting Trumps shadiness. This incident just calrifys all of the bad things I believe about Trump. Even if Trump did win, this scam would go down in history with him, because he still is 100 percent liable.
Claudia Anthony "U.S. Embassy worker, LGBT editor hacked to death in Bangladeshi capital"
I think the Bangladesh authorities need to put more effort into protecting these targeted members of the community, because it would increase the overall safety of the area. Also, it is their job to protect the LGBT members of the society as much as they would protect anyone else. This reminds me of the Iran Hostage Crisis, in which American Embassy workers were held for 444 days by Iranian revolutionaries.
Click here to read the article
Vietnamese Child Brides - Bethany Wolfe 3rd
Because China follows a one-child policy and holds a preference for sons, the gender ratio is skewed causing young Chinese men to look for brides elsewhere. The Chinese-Vietnamese border brims with human traffickers bringing Vietnamese girls, who are often tricked or drugged, into China for a hefty sum. However, the Pacific Links Foundation runs a shelter for trafficking victims, a place where young women can feel safe and welcomed. Once a month, they also go to the local market to spread awareness on the issue and share personal stories.
Modern day slavery continues to be an issue, often posing in forms of forced marriage and bonded labor. However, many organizations are working to free enslaved people and create liberty in their countries. Similarly, the US practiced slavery through the bondage of African Americans well through the 19th century, but the 13th Amendment in 1865 abolished slavery.
KILLER SWEETS Julia Woltjen (3rd period)
24 people have died after eating a sweet treat called, Ladd, in Pakistan. These normally tasty sweets were laced with pesticide, the victims had no idea what they were ingesting. One family in particular was hit heavily after the father bought 11 kilos of the sweet to celebrate his sons birthday. Within that family 9 people have died.
This is so twisted and sad. But it just goes to prove that our FDA programs and food protection services are there for a reason. I would hope that these systems make their way into international sweets as well, in order to avoid this horrible tragedy.
10 year-old Black girl's BeeSweet Lemonade Lands $60,000 Shark Tank Deal
by: Tristin Manus 8th
Ohio shooting- Paisley Norburg P.5
Ohio shooting
Donald Trump Makes Racist Remark Towards Native Americans. Alexis WIlliams
Analysis: Of course I'm not surprised that this awful man has said yet another racist remark. The whole Pocahontas Indian remark has to do with colonial America. When a group of greedy white men came and stole land that wasn't their's. The English came in, killed lots of Natives and, treated them awfully.
Madi Thoele, 4th Period: Target Boycott Over New Bathroom Rules
Harriet Tubman on 20$ Bill? - Bennett Copley 8th
Severe Strom Outbreak for central U.S.-Nicholas Watson, 9th (2)
The next big weather story for the U.S. will be tomorrow ,Tuesday, with the potential for a widespread severe weather outbreak. The threats for the following areas on Tuesday, including Oklahoma City and Dallas, will include large hail, high winds and long-track tornadoes. This storm system is recognized as being the first major severe weather outbreak of this year, and is threatening around 23 million Americans from North Texas to parts of Nebraska as well as areas in between.
So when it comes to weather I'm lowkey nerdy about it because Ive had an interest in weather my whole life, which is why I get excited and anxious when we are expected to have storms. But that's beside the point, I think in many ways living in Tornado Alley comes with both pros and cons. Of course during the spring time we are always under the threat for dangerous and hazardous storms, which in the past, we have seen them bring destruction and death. Although on the other side of that, some of the cons is that due to the fact that we live in such an unpredictable weather area, many of us are used to these storms and have developed a sense of safety awareness when these storms do come nocking at our door. Because many of us have lived through these types of storms it has created a sense of preparedness so that we know what actions we need to take, as opposed to someone who has lived in California their whole lives and have never really experienced tornadic weather. With this storm system expected to reach its peak Tuesday April, 26, it barely misses the 5th anniversary of the 2011 tornado outbreak which included the deadly Tuscaloosa and Joplin tornadoes.
Here Comes Harriet!- Emily Eppig
The issue of women's rights has been on the rise since the beginning of the 20th century, especially leading up to and following the ratification of the 19th amendment.
I believe this article is unnecessary. Rather than criticizing the government, we should be celebrating the first female face on currency. Although it would nice to see more equal representation of women, we must appreciate the changing world around us as it does so and give things time.
Alexis Farrell, 5th Period: Obama and Angela Merkel Geek Out With VR Goggles at Trade Fair
These interesting technological devices are becoming quite popular in the U.S. Although they have not been launched at some stores yet, there is a huge hype going on about them. Technological advances like this make people wonder what the future holds. It's amazing how far America has come since the invention of the cotton gin and telegraph.
More than 500,000 boycott Target over transgender bathroom policy-Katherine Flores
This all started when North Carolina decided to pass a new transgender bathroom law. This would allow people to enter and use the bathroom they identified with. However this only applies to government-managed bathrooms, not regular businesses. Target came into this situation when they decided to implement the law into their own business and release a statement that said, "We certainly respect that there are a wide variety of perspectives and a company that firmly stands behind what it means to offer our team an inclusive place to work-and our guests an inclusive place to shop-we continue to believe that this is the right thing for Target." This then resulted in a conservative Christian activist group, The American Family Association, starting a boycott towards Target. It has gained now gained more than half a million signatures and continues to fight to have this law removed.
Personally, I feel that the law overall has caused a lot more problems for the state of North Carolina than it probably intended to solve. However, I do think that as wonderful as it is for people to be gaining equal rights and being able to use the restroom where they so please, there is a safety concern that should be addressed. If someone can easily excuse using a restroom that most would not think correlates with their appearance, but to them it is the restroom they would feel more comfortable using, I feel that many predators could also do the same thing. This obviously poses a threat to young girls and women that would also be using these restrooms. Honestly, I think the best solution to make everyone as comfortable as possible is to create a unisex restroom. This is a good compromise in my opinion and I think it would be pretty hard for someone to try and form any type of valid argument against it so it sounds like a win-win situation.
Zoe norton-Rodriguez
In one day, the entire police department of a small town retired. The town is around 700 people and there's only 4 people in the department, however it was still strange that all of them quit at once. They say that even though the job position hasn't been posted, there are already people up for the job who are submitting applications.
They have said that there's other times in which the same thing has happened and it was around 4 months until the position was filled. This kind of situation is very different in small towns than big ones because the town works together.
Zoe norton-Rodriguez
In one day, the entire police department of a small town retired. The town is around 700 people and there's only 4 people in the department, however it was still strange that all of them quit at once. They say that even though the job position hasn't been posted, there are already people up for the job who are submitting applications.
They have said that there's other times in which the same thing has happened and it was around 4 months until the position was filled. This kind of situation is very different in small towns than big ones because the town works together.
Zoe norton-Rodriguez
In one day, the entire police department of a small town retired. The town is around 700 people and there's only 4 people in the department, however it was still strange that all of them quit at once. They say that even though the job position hasn't been posted, there are already people up for the job who are submitting applications.
They have said that there's other times in which the same thing has happened and it was around 4 months until the position was filled. This kind of situation is very different in small towns than big ones because the town works together.
Apple and the Enviroment Paul Radke
Analysis- with this program, Apple is taking a huge step forward in their manufacturing processes for their products. to be able to de-construct these devices and re use them puts them one step ahead of the competition and also may be the deciding factor between apple and android companies. And since these factories are using all renewable energy they are helping with the global warming and since this is such a big company it would make an impact for them to use renewable energy. this program shows that Apple is aware of their effect on the environment and I think that is a good thing.
Zoe Norton-Rodriguez -9th-Colorado town's entire police department resigns
In one day, the entire police department of a small town retired. The town is around 700 people and there's only 4 people in the department, however it was still strange that all of them quit at once. They say that even though the job position hasn't been posted, there are already people up for the job who are submitting applications.
They have said that there's other times in which the same thing has happened and it was around 4 months until the position was filled. This kind of situation is very different in small towns than big ones because the town works together.
Adriana Hinojosa, 8th, Prince Is Dead.
Electricity troubles in Venezuela // Kai Jones 1st period
Erin McElhone: Boycott Of Target's 'Inclusive' Bathroom Policy
Starbucks takes action after workers fret over wasted food- julie torres
This article covers how starbucks will be donating their scrap food to charities for needy families. Many employess complained and cringed at the sight of perfectly good parfait cups and to-go boxes, it's "inhumane" as one employee said. This reminded me of the great depression when there was lines of people who needed something to eat. Because of that time period movements like this to help the needy has been seen in a more broder sense.
France Launches Airstrikes Against Islamic State Stronghold in Syria Morgan T. Smith
France Launches Airstrikes Against Islamic State Stronghold in Syria
Summary: After the attack in Paris on Friday 13, 2015, which killed 132 people and injured more than 350.
Because of this, France launched air strikes against Isis targets in Syria on Sunday night, with jets bombing the terror group's stronghold of Raqqa. The airstrikes delivered 20 bombs to two targets in Raqqa, in northern Syria, The bombs targeted a command center, including an arms depot and a recruiting post, and a training camp.
Laundy Packet Poisoning by Deandra Whitmill
Many parents shouldn't let small children have access to the washroom so that these issues wont occur. I realize that sometimes parents are busy and forget about some things, but the life of a child is important and should always be taken seriously. Caution may be taken more seriously about the issue in many more households for the children's safety.