The World Health Agency called a huge emergency over the Zinka Virus. This was an international concern. The Zinka Virus is a bone virus and doctor are suspecting that this is the causing a big health concern for pregnant women that causes their baby's heads to be abnormally small.This condition is called microscephaly and can lead to serious issue like paralysis.This disease is spreading like a wildfire and doctors still aren't completely sure what's causing this.
This makes me have a connection to the diseases such as typhoid and malaria in the 1600s when the English first colonized Jamestown. The disease spread very fast and infection killed almost half of the settlers living there. Could Zika Virus be there new catastrophe for pregnant women all over the world? I hope not.
its very scary that so many diseases emerge and kill many people without very much chance to do something about it. I'm sure that scientists are continuing to study this virus as it continues to spread