Monday, February 1, 2016

Middle Schooler Found Dead // Uriel Cruz, Period 6

Nicole Madison Lovell, 13, was found dead in North Carolina yesterday after going missing since the Wednesday before. A Virginia Tech freshman, David E. Eisenhauer, was charged of murder on Saturday and a second Virginia Tech student has been charged, Natalie M. Keepers.

This reminds me of how America was ganged up on by older groups when it was still growing, Britain and Native Americans. Although the underdog overcame both groups around 200 ago or so, Nicole had no chance to avoid these two.

 RIP Nicole Madison Lovell

News //


  1. Its so sad that these kids have done such a horrible thing.(Alejandra Hernandez 6th period)

  2. people are terrible but a good snthesis -Bernadette Negrete
