Sunday, August 30, 2015

Emma Walsh - Building a Wall on the Canadian and United States Border (3rd period)

The southern border is not the only one that is causing debates of all sorts, so is the northern border with Canada. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker says that building a wall that will separate the United States from Canada is a "legitimate" idea. It is known in New Hampshire that the United States's idea of securing all of its borders and not letting immigrants enter our country illegally is not strictly enforced at the Canadian border. This is a problem because terrorists could potentially enter the United States from Canada. This is an issue that Scott Walker wants resolved. About two weeks ago Scott Walker stated that he agreed with Donald Trumps proposal to appeal the Fourteenth Amendment, meaning that children born in the US are not immediately citizens, no matter what their parents legal status is. Although after agreeing with Donald Trump, Scott Walker denied doing so twice within one week. This leaves us wondering if Scott Walker has any further ideas or plans to resolve this situation.

The direct parallel in history to this situation is actually more in the present; it is the dilemma in the border between Mexico and the US. To be honest it never really crossed my mind that we would have the same problem with the Canadian border as we do with the Mexican border. Maybe it's because there aren't as many people in Canada as there are in Mexico, but that doesn't really mean that there isn't any trouble in Canada.  It seems in history that most of the civilizations were taken over by their northern neighbors, and even though this occurred quite often, people still didn't look north. The northern neighbors would wait until the time was right (there was turmoil in the economy, religious/social life, or the other borders) and then they would attack. With this being said, maybe it isn't  such a bad idea to pay a little more attention and look north.

Want to see the article?


  1. Brenna Hale(6th period)August 31, 2015 at 6:16 PM

    From what I've heard Canadians are very happy to live in Canada, so I don't know if they would be willing to come down here. Don't they still have to pass through customs? Also, I haven't heard of much conflict between us and Canada, so why close ourselves off from them?

  2. I think that although there might be security issues on our northern border concerning terrorism, I do not think the right course of action is to build a wall. The benefits would be few compared to the outrageous amount it would cost. Additionally, I think Scott Walker made a big mistake in first agreeing with Donald Trump and then denying that he did it. He should state his opinion and stick to it.
    -Lisl Wangermann 1st Period
