Sunday, August 30, 2015

Taytum Buford (Period 6)- Police Arrested Suspected Bomber in Bangkok

An unfortunate event took place on August 17, in Bangkok Thailand, when 20 people were killed and injured. Luckily, Thai Police have arrested a suspect that is suspicious in a second bomb attack a day later in Bangkok. The man that the police originally perceived as the bomber, a man in a yellow t-shirt and dark framed glasses, is not the man that they have brought in to interrogation. This man is taken off of a sketch described by the living victims. The police also had suspected that he was Turkish, when low and behold, they found out that his passport was a fake! When they searched his apartment, they found many of the "same type of ball bearings" Prawut, a lieutenant, describes. There has still been no claim of responsibility for the attack, but the police know that this crime wasn't just a one man job. They suspect it was a group of terrorists led by the man being held in interrogation. We hope to find a light at the end of the tunnel.

According to my research, the U.S. and Bangkok have had no long term arguments. In fact, we have been providing financial aid and military for them. But of course, there is always World War II, when everyone was in such a hustle, that no one even really knew who was bombing who. I think violence, whether it being in the U.S. or in Bangkok, is never to be taken lightly(obviously), but it is also to be related to one another. Who knows why the man in Bangkok is a terrorist. It could be that he has political issues, or personal issues. I think that he, obviously needs to get some mental health and take responsibility for his actions, but also be interrogated about why he did it so we can prevent future bombings in various locations.

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1 comment:

  1. I agree with you, i hope they can treat this man properly and this event should not be taken lightly.
