Monday, August 31, 2015

Heather Hatch: "Frazier Glenn Cross found guilty of murder in Jewish center shootings"

In April of 2014 Frazier Glenn Cross killed two people in a Jewish community center and a third at a nearby Village Shalom Retirement. The three victims were William Lewis Coroporon, Reat Griffin Underwood, And Terri LaManno. Cross claimed that he wasn't killing people but killing jews and that by doing so he was saving the world. These types of anti-Semitic beliefs can be traced back to Hitler himself in the way that he thought the Jews were some sort of contagion that he could put a stop to. Cross represented himself in court and was called out of the court room for being rambunctious. He was found guilty and the sentencing hearing is scheduled for this coming Tuesday. My opinion on this matter is that I am outraged at how someone could still posses these views. People always say things about how our society has come such a long way since racism and segregation but then people like this come along and destroy all of that "hard work". I hope that people like Mr.Cross will soon get a grip on the reality that the world is changing.


  1. It is sickening that people would not only still think this way, but act on it like Cross did. It's awful that three people had to die because this man is so biased against another religion and the people that follow it. All I could think of while reading this was Hitler and the Nazis and how little this man has evolved compared to the rest of the world. It scares me to think there are people like that out in the world. -Claudia Anthony (3rd period)

  2. While I cannot say I'm completely surprised about his beliefs on Jewish culture simply due to the fact that ignorance, racism, and hate crimes are still a very real thing I do find it hard to swallow. His acts were vile and horrendous and it appalls me that such beliefs still exist today. -Sebastian Nino 5th
