Monday, August 31, 2015

Angelique Flores 9th period "kanye West for president in 2020"

Summary; Celebrity Kanye West announces at 2015 VMA's that in the year of 2020 that he will be running for president.  First West took on his announcement by leading with the topic of the importance of artistic freedom of speech. Then proceeded from then on to his acceptance speech for getting the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award.

Analysis; Kanye West while accepting the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award was proceeding to say "I'm not no politician, bro" well minutes after that someone in the audience screamed "Kanye for President!" and he continued his speech by saying "And yes, as you probably could've guessed by this moment, I have decided in 2020 to run for president." There have been many different responses to his announcement some people ask if he "had smoked something before he came out" or if he was just bluffing us all. Kanye is known for his rude interruption of Taylor Swifts 2009 acceptance speech of the Best Female Video Award, but he came up on stage, snatched the microphone form Swift and proceeded to say how he thinks Beyonce should've won the Best Female Video Award and not Taylor. Since that episode he hasn't yet to apologize for his actions and viewers world wide have tuned in every year to MTV's Video Music Awards to see if West will apologize or act out once again. Kanye made the smart decision to announce this at one of the biggest, well-known Awards show, what better way for this big announcement to become known then to announce it on National Television? Smart Move from Mr. West but there are still some speculations on if this idea of him running for president in 2020 is a good or terrible idea, because even though he may be a well known celebrity and rapper.. that doesn't really mean anything if his actions during him possibly being president in the year of 2020 would cause the nation to crumble or rise.



  1. I also posted about this subject! I really like your analysis of it, and it is curious if he was being serious, if he was bluffing us, and so forth. But it will be interesting to watch this process and see how it turns out!

  2. I also wasn't 100% sure if he was being serious or not. I wonder if Kanye actually has the knowledge and motivation to really run for president! I'd love to hear Kanye make his presidential statements.

  3. i honestly don't know who would be worse for a president Donald or West.Hopefully Donald leaves s good mark in america if he becomes president or not because KAnyes going to have to need something to mess up.
    Bernadette Negrete

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Great Post! Not sure if he was serious or not, but it will definitely be interesting to see!
    Randi Thompson

  6. I think that this is sorta ridiculous, but no may just be for publicity-Sebastian Nino 5th
