Sunday, August 30, 2015

Texas 'Cold Blooded Assassination': Is the Black Lives Matter Rhetoric to Blame? - Ava Cosentino pd.1

Recently, many people asked themselves if there was yet another killing related to the popular "Black Lives Matter Movement" to add to the list. This is because on Friday, another altercation between a white, male, police officer, Harris County Deputy Darren Goforth and an African American male, Shannon Miles, took place. The Harris County Deputy was pumping gas into his squad car at a Houston gas station when it is said that a male of color, suspect Shannon Miles, proceeded toward the Deputy and opened several rounds of fire, consequently ending Goforth's life. Though the suspect is in custody, police have not yet been able to get straight answers out of Miles elaborating on what his motives were, but the ultimate question at hand is if the Black Lives Matter rhetoric is to blame or not.

Many recent incidents like this one are what is giving the amazing Black Lives Matter movement a bad reputation and look. The original goal of the movement was to reduce harsh altercations between police officers and African American people through peace and non-violence, but when stories like this are to be potentially grouped into the same category, things start to look bad and the original goal begins to disappear. Like the article says, "'We've all heard Black lives matter, all lives matter' he said at a press conference. 'Well, cops' lives matter, too.'". This statement could not be more than right; all lives matter. In the event that this does wind up having ties with the movement, people need to educate themselves on how to correctly contribute to solving problems like these. Killing innocent people is never the answer, no matter the side or the circumstance. But in the meantime, while police and the public do not have any hard facts or a certain motive, I believe this event shouldn't be categorized as having any ties or relations to the movement, as it gives it an unnecessary and unfortunate look.


  1. Very unfortunate that this happened - there are always going to be radicalists who take advantage of these movements to try to justify their actions and make the actual movement look bad (like it isn't doing it's job).

  2. I can't believe anyone would shoot anyone purely out of cold blood, it seems as if society is telling people that they should act like morons if they feel oppressed.

  3. It is sad just to think that a man could kill a cop in cold blood and justify it in. This whole thing is unfortunate. All lives matter!

  4. I think some real thought should be put in on the part of people insisting that "All Lives Matter" is a legitimate movement to rally behind. Because of course "all lives matter". This goes completely without saying. Every life has value and should be given a fair chance at life,liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But the thing is, many people need a serious reminder that black lives do indeed matter. White lives matter, yes, but white people aren't being killed at an alarming rate by the police under unclear circumstances, with their corpses and footage of their killing being replayed on all news outlets, with their bodies left out to fester in the sun instead of being taken to a morgue. If you hear of a white person being killed by a police officer, I can bet money it was immediately investigated heavily while when a black death goes public, multiple conflicting lies are passed around by officers and cop sympathizers to protect and infantilize the murderer as being the real victim who "followed protocol" and was "in danger". When a person says "All Lives Matter", they do come a good place most of the time I hope, but what that phrase does is steer the conversation of racial injustice off course because many people don't want to address the ugly truth that no matter how much "All Lives" matter, all lives aren't being given the same protection. And yes, cops lives do matter too. But cops enjoy a privileged position in society and carry deadly weapons that they can apparently use without consequence almost all the time. Do those cops really need as much help as an unarmed black woman being perceived as a threat by a jumpy cop with an itchy trigger finger wearing racist rose-tinted shades?

  5. I had the same article. I don't think this was an act of the BLM, though it was an African American man, they shouldn't blame the BLM for one ignorant and irrational person. -Carli Copell
