Sunday, August 30, 2015

Golf Course Accident -Julianne Swaykus

      John Daly, 49-year-old golfer, collapsed at Deerfield Golf Club on Saurday in Canton, Mississippi. According to pro Leigh Brannan "He was struggling pretty badly right before he collapsed. But we're all hoping it's nothing serious and that he was just a little dehydrated. He was even telling [friend Billy Allen] he still wants to play [Sunday]". Luckily he was discharged from the hospital Sunday and is recovering from his collapsed lung.
     This is an important article to read, because no matter what sport/activity you are doing, you need to be very aware of what your body needs instead of ignoring it. Bud Martin said "Daly has fought a lingering rib injury since 2007, which recently has been causing severe pain and has affected his breathing". Instead of going to the doctor or resting he decided to go out and play golf with his friends, which provoked his collapsed lung.

John Daly Recovering from Collapsed Lung After Collapsing on Golf Course

1 comment:

  1. It's kind of crazy how passionate people are about doing what they love, props to the old man for staying positive and keeping his head in the game! - Sophie Kurzius
