Monday, August 31, 2015

Bernie Sanders on Gun Control - Kate Fehan 8th Period

Bernie Sanders said in an interview that he supports new gun control measures just as much as the other Democrats running for president. He has been criticized for not supporting stricter gun control, but he says he voted for a ban on semi-automatics and for better background checks on buyers. The interview with Jake Trapper gave Sanders a chance to point out the differences between his and Hillary Clinton’s policies. Despite doubt, Sanders has been gaining support and is now not far behind Clinton in many states. He voted no to decreasing the wait time for gun ownership in 1999, but does have a mixed record on gun control.

I think that Bernie Sanders does have a chance of winning, despite being relatively unknown prior to this year in comparison to his biggest rival, Hillary Clinton. Underdogs winning the elections aren't all together unheard of. In 1976, Jimmy Carter was a long-shot, but he ended up becoming the democratic candidate and beat Gerald Ford. Sanders's clean slate in the the minds of many Americans could be just what he needs to win.


  1. He's all in favor of the 2nd amendment to the United States Constitution, while at the same time being concerned about the safety of the American citizens and trying his best to balance it. That's the way I'd do it as a politician.

  2. I agree with what you said about is "clean slate" and that it might help him win the democratic nomination. He has no prior scandals or issues, that I know of, that could jeopardize his chance of getting the nomination. Also, it is very surprising that he has such a large amount of support, considering most people didn't know he was until recently. It will be interesting to see who ends up getting the nomination, and if Hillary's prior popularity will be enough to win it for her. -Claudia Anthony (3rd period)

  3. I have a hard time understanding why this issue hasn't already been resolved. I understand Americans want to protect the second amendment, but in my opinion protecting lives is far more important. A study I found a couple years back from the New England journal of Medicine showed that guns cause twice as many deaths as cancer each year in America. If we could find another treatment for cancer, I have no doubt we would implement it immediately, so why do we hesitate with gun control??
