Monday, August 31, 2015

Emily Eppig 8th- Can Hillary be Trusted?

      Historically, politicians with hidden agendas aren't uncommon. Today, not much seems to have changed as Hillary Clinton's email scandal unfolds. 
      The controversy began when Clinton's division of personal and professional matters came into question. After going through her accounts, it was discovered that Clinton never even used an official .gov address, she exclusively used her own personal server and email for all governmental business. While this may not seem like a big deal, it's a prompt for questioning of a presidential candidate. And if anything, it's just downright unprofessional. 
     Over 150 of the emails/documents were classified not to mention the over 3,000 that were deleted prior to her account being searched. Her excuse? That it was too difficult to carry multiple web-enabled devices, it was easier to just carry one. Although nothing Clinton did was illegal, her role in the 2016 election puts her under a magnifying glass in terms of integrity. 
     Since the controversy came to light, Clinton hasn't made many comments specifically addressing the matter, perhaps digging herself into a deeper hole of untrustworthiness. Based of her professional past, I believe it'd be smart for her to just come clean about all of her wrongdoings, that way she could at least be seen as an honest candidate. 



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Andrew Smith- 8th period Our president should be someone we can trust- everyone has agendas, however they should be up front about what they stand for and why they think that way, this is what makes for a good debate. Debates should not be about who is 'funnier' (cough, trump), rather they should help share points of view on certain issues. This email scandal shows for sure something is off about her and that she shouldn't be trusted.

  3. Honestly, Hilary switches her opinions on issues that are important in this country all the time, depending on what's convenient for her. I think this is just more evidence that she can't be trust.

  4. Honestly, Hilary switches her opinions on issues that are important in this country all the time, depending on what's convenient for her. I think this is just more evidence that she can't be trust.

  5. This is a really interesting topic, but I feel like it's getting over-hyped. I feel like the coverage of this issue (and honestly most political "scandals") points to a more troubling attempt by both liberal and conservative media to smear and discredit candidates from an opposing side rather than engage them in a productive debate.

  6. I agree that it's getting over-hyped. I understand why people are concerned about her entering candidacy while possibly withholding information, and the controversy it caused. But I don't think it should be used to argue against her. As a female politician, she obviously worked hard to get where she is now, so I respect her for that, even if she made a mistake.

  7. if all our presidents were 100% honest, we wouldn't even have presidents to run. America needs secrets, that's why magazines sell so much.We need them to keep our lives interesting. We hide things all the time and to say the president, a human being ,is any different is hypocritical. Hillary has a right to hide thing, its her business. Bernadette Negrete

  8. The press is just looking for something to blab about. Presidents do shady stuff all the time and they need to keep things secret. A lot of the time, things get exaggerated and made into a big deal when it truly isn't.
