Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Texas teacher suspended after racist Ferguson tweet By: Harrison Epstein


So in short there is a teacher in Texas who, posted very descriptive and cruel messages on Twitter about the incidents in Ferguson that have happened relatively recently. The woman is African American and is quoted as having said some very racist comments that I obviously cannot post at the present time but the edited version is that the African Americans in Ferguson need to kill themselves. The "teacher" is currently suspended with out any pay from her school.

OK WHAT THE ACTUAL [censored]! First of all you're a teacher, have a little respect for your students. Second off YOU ARE AFRICAN AMERICAN have a little pride in your heritage! Third, I can't physically comprehend the though process behind this other than the possibility that the woman is not a woman but in fact a group of racist squirrels intent on destroying my little hope left in humanity! This is obviously an abuse of freedom of speech and press, and if you don't agree with something, say it like a normal human, not like a racist hate group! This is exactly how the Holocaust started as well as Japanese internment camps.


  1. Wow, this is so awful! Especially coming from a grown teacher. It goes to show that racial reconciliation is still desperately needed. I enjoyed the way you tied this to historical events.

  2. Yes nice job relating this to historical events. You think people would learn we are all the same on the inside so why judge someone for being black when they have no control over it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wait I think you didn't understand the story, she was talking about white people she never told any African Americans to kill themselves

  5. i feel like this is a violation of her freedom of speech though and ya i think u misread the story

  6. I think u misread the story as well, yet it's awful to put down any race regardless of what heritage the person is. Especially because it's a grown woman who is a teacher. You would like she would be more mature and considerate.

  7. *you would think
    3rd period
