Gamer Gate
an online news article by Josh Harkinson, He talks about the hostility
of a gaming community known as Gamer Gate, who have recently become more
publicized due to their outrageous threats. Gamer Gate sends threats of
rape, murder, mass shootings, and overall violence to people who don't
support their cause of "violent video games don't make people more
violent". When, quite the contrary, people who regularly play violent
video games are desensitized to violence, and show increased aggression.
Halloween, This article was released to let everyone know of the video
game extremists, and how ironic their actions are. Although, not all
video gamers are violent, this group of them are. Gamer Gate is being
taken as a serious threat, as it should be. Nobody who is "non-violent"
Threatens people with school shootings and rape. Josh Harkinson is
letting everyone he can that Gamer Gate is dangerous, and maybe you
yourself should be careful with how you spend your time, whether its
shoot-em-up video games, or thriller television, it has an affect on
you, whether you know it or not.
-Miles Sullivan
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