Thursday, November 6, 2014

Former Navy Seal Comes Forward and Calims to have Killed Bin Laden. Juliana Cortez Pd. 3

Two members of the U.S. Navy Seal commando team that killed Osama bin Laden in May of 2011 are making conflicting claims as to who actually shot the al Qaeda leader. Former Team Six member Matt Bissonnette, who's knwon for writing the bestseller under a pseudonym about shooting bin Laden, is about to publish his second book about being a Navy SEAL. Robbert O’Neill, meanwhile, is the unnamed “shooter” who has been pictured in many magazine articles with the title of firing the final shots. He has been traveling the country giving paid motivational speeches on the unspoken understanding that he’s the man who killed bin Laden. However neither man is the SEAL who was first up the stairs at bin Laden’s Pakistan compound and was the first to fire the first shot at Osama. O'Neill had been serving in the Navy for 15 years at the time of the Bin Laden raid. He had participated in other missions before but said that this one particular mission, he feared, would be the most difficult. He describes the mission as if it had happened the day before, giving specific details.While The former Navy Seal, Robert O'Neill, claims to have fired the final shot in an interview with the Washington Post, it has been questioned whether he should receive full credit for the shot since there was indeed at least two other in the room shooting weapons.

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