Tuesday, November 11, 2014

American missing in Iraq was in the CIA - Lindsey Galvan 4th period

Bob Levinson, an ex-FBI agent “disappeared” on a trip to Iran in 2007.  The only evidence that he still lives is a video sent to his family of him imprisoned and tortured.  It was recently discovered that Levinson was linked to the CIA and was working with them when he travelled to Iran.  Levinson was part of a rogue CIA mission that was not authorized to enter Iran.  While the exact nature of Levinson’s mission is unclear, it is likely this was some form of a reconnaissance mission.   All members associated with this operation have been fired and the CIA is under heavy criticism.
 In George Washington’s Farewell Address, he strongly advises that the United States stay out of the internal affairs of foreign countries and maintain neutrality.  The group from the CIA responsible for this tragedy should have followed the Washington’s advice.  Iran was not posing an imminent threat the United States, so I believe that sending in an agent was entirely unnecessary especially when the diplomatic relations are already so strained.  Levinson’s severe situation should serve as a warning for any future attempts for unwarranted intrusion.

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