Monday, September 23, 2013

Illegal Immigration Rising - Zien Lin (P4)

Summary: The number of illegal immigrants to the US have risen again after going down from the start of the recession. The number rose from 11.3million in 2009 to 11.7million in 2012. 52% of those illegal immigrants are from Mexico, 15% from Central America, 12% from the other Latin American countries and 10% from Asia. The government can't decide on how to go about dealing with these people, with some supporting aid and citizenship opportunities while others support stricter immigration policies.

Analysis: I think the number of illegal immigrants is way more than the above estimate and that it doesn't matter where they came from because illegal is illegal no matter what the ethnic background. The government shouldn't be advertising amnesty bills/acts then act surprised when the percentage of illegals rise trying to get here before it's passed. They should instead be using the citizens tax money to make the country better for the citizens and enforcing laws instead of giving it to illegals.



  1. Comment by Tyra Harris 5th period

    Dude, I so agree with you. It shouldn't matter what part of the world an illegal immigrant comes from, they still should not come. Sometimes I feel like the government "appreciates" illegals coming to America as they will often work for a cheap wage. Also, U.S. policy has it that if a person is born here, they automatically are granted citizenship. This definitely needs to be changed as illegal immigrants are aware of this, birth their children here and are allowed to stay.

  2. I completely agree. We have those laws for a reason: to keep our citizens safe. And if we can't abide by our own laws, then what's going to happen next? Anyone will be able to be an American citizen, then we won't even be a country anymore. I'm not saying that all illegal immigrants are bad people, but there are some very dangerous people who come over illegally. We need to secure the borders so that stops.

  3. Obviously the immigration has gotten out of hand, but it does make sense that so many immigrants come here. America has always been immigrants' refuge, so what's different now?

  4. Do you guys get notifications when people comment on your blogs because I have not? And @Amber, the difference is that refugees are granted permission to come by the government (it's legal) and have their paperwork
