Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Zander Pryor-Trans

This transgender bathroom bill thing just won't go away. It's really reminiscent of the marriage equality debate of a decade ago, give or take a few years. Its sensitive, controversial, everyone and their cousin has an opinion and when its over, we wont believe it was a real thing. It also features the same types of straight people participating in protests, shifting from patronizing chick fil a to using the restroom. A trans boy was granted access to the bathroom that corresponds with his gender identity but some of his peers decided to protest that decision in a truly awful way. The group of boys decided with impeccable logic that the best response to so called "girls" using the male restroom was to have the boys invade the female restroom to protest. However, this frightened a female student who kneed one of the boys in the groin. She was then suspended for unecessary force and assault.
This article angers me and upsets me on so many levels. First of all, there's the bigotry shown by the high school boys, protesting their classmates right to simply pee in peace. Then there's the way they went about it, commiting the very thing they were accusing others of. And then when the girl defended herself from a group of boys who had invaded her restroom and were blocking the door, she was expelled. I might add she only temporarily hurt him and did not do any damage or deal any injuries, yet she's the only one who faces repercussions. In my opinion, she did nothing wrong. Those boys do not identify as female and therefore should not have been in the restroom in the first place. This reminds me of several instances in our recent past where nazis have been punched and the attackers have been vilified for unprovoked physical assault despite the despicable ideologies of their opponent. It also reminds me of these instances because attack was really the only way to retaliate to ensure safety.

1 comment:

  1. This is just terrible! The boys should have been expelled, the girl was simply defending herself! The lack of respect and rights given to trans people and women shown in this instance is abominable.
