Saturday, April 27, 2019

Uber Driver Picks Up 2 Riders and One is Murdered | Daniella Castanheira

On Friday, an Uber driver tried to pick up two men at an intersection. One got in while the other went around the back and shot his companion multiple times. The victim has been identified as James Grant Booker II, 26 years old, but the shooter fled and has remained both unidentified and uncaught. So far, the police believe that the driver is unconnected to the two individuals and just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

This article was written by Christina Maxouris and updated on Saturday, April 27. It exists only to inform its readers instead of bashing Uber, the driver, or the shooter. This is similar to the case where Samantha Josephson got into a fake Uber and was murdered, a tragedy which took place late March in 2019. However, in this case Uber is entirely not at fault and should not be blamed for the murder, unless more details come out that say otherwise.

1 comment:

  1. this scares me so much bc all everyone uses these days when in need of transportation is Ubers or lyfts
