Sunday, April 28, 2019

Former Vice President Joe Biden 'probably the leader' in South Carolina among Democratic 2020 contenders: Rep. James Clyburn - Dillon Quicksall

Joe Biden, the former vice president of the United States, is polling far ahead of the other democratic candidates in the extremely-divided presidential election. Despite the issues of his disreguard for personal space when it comes to women that disrupted his initial momentum, he seems to have bounced back, and it appears that he will most likely win unless another candidate suddenly sees a massive swing in popularity. The Only candidates that are close to him in popularity are Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg.
This will be very interesting to watch play out. If Joe Biden were to win, then it would be him, one of the most universally beloved Democrats of our generation, go up against Donald Trump, who has had historically low approval ratings throughout his entire presidency.

1 comment:

  1. I personally think he and Bernie are too old, and we should choose someone younger, maybe just maybe a woman or a minority or someone not eligible for AARP.
