Monday, April 29, 2019

Daviah Harrison-Valedictorian came out during Grad. speech

This article was written by Christina Maxouris on April 29,2019.Matt Easton decided to come out to his graduating classmate a Mormon University.Brigham Young University is very strict when it comes to homosexual behavior and not everyone was happy when Matt came out. However, Matt had many supporters behind him. 

This must be such a happy moment for him and I am proud of the outcome. This reminds me of how grateful we are because some people will  lose their life for being apart of the LGBTQ+ community in certain countries, since it is a law. I am glad that many people supported him and reminded him that he is loved.


  1. I love that he did that and the fact that it was during his valedictorian speech makes it even better. The way he defines his sexuality has nothing to do with his intelligence.
