Monday, April 29, 2019

Chemical plant ~ Stephannie Hernandez

Stephannie Hernandez
8th silver

Summary ~
District Attorney’s Office in Houston filed five environmental charges on Monday against a petrochemical plant, where a fire burned for four days. It sent late quantities of highly toxic chemicals into Tucker Bayou. The water pollution rose up at criminal levels, causing public health to be at risk. Swallowing or breathing this toxic chemicals could led to death and other severe symptoms.

Place and time: happened March 17-21 and now filed the charges April 29,2019
Prior knowledge: I had no idea this had happened, it is highly dangerous to leave the fire up for 5 days risking people’s lives. This was an incredibly dangerous event that took place and I know they could control the fire, it still puts people in danger. Some schools cancelled (and closed nearby schools) their after school activities due to the fire which is really good thing to look out for students health.



  1. Kadar Price- What we do, truly affects everyone.

  2. Very well written article, this is shocking and extremely dangerous.
