Summary: Recently, Iran has received many unanticipated rainfalls and storms. This unprecedented weather has costed Iran millions of dollars in the fields of water and agriculture infrastructures. Over 1900 towns and villages in Iran have been flooded, and 70 people have been killed. While the Iran Red Crescent volunteers have been volunteering and helping out, Iran claims that "USA is hindering their air to Iran." A few days later after this national remark, USA secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, stated his condolences for the victims and lost lives, but then also accused the Iranian government for the disaster and lack of management. Another two days later, Iran's foreign minister responded angrily, once again, on twitter.
Analysis: This article was written recently and last updated on Sunday, April 7, at 9;40 in the morning. This means the the information is really up to date. This scenario can be connected the many neutrality acts that USA has signed, while stating that they will not interfere or help. There were many of these that occurred right before world war one, and even though right now, there is no extreme war, we are still cautious with our aid. This article was written to target the people of USA and Iran, and to let us know about the relations between the two countries. This article has made me aware of the dangers faced in Iran, and also about the little help that they are receiving. This article is also important because it lets us know how our people communicate with foreigners, (secretary of state, etc.) through common social media, such as twitter.
Great article, I think that the U.S needs to strengthen its relationship with Iran after the comments on Twitter.