Monday, April 22, 2019

Supreme Court to Decide Whether Landmark Civil Rights Law Applies to Gay and Transgender Workers -Martina D’Orso

          The Supreme Court recently announced that it would be investigating whether the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects gays and transgenders in the workplace from discrimination. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commissions stated that it was not fair to discriminate people based on their sexuality, but the Trump administration said that within the factors of non-discrimination in the act, sexuality was not necessarily mentioned. With a previously liberal Supreme Court Justice gone and the conservative Justice Kavanaugh in his place, it seems as if more cases with transgenders and homosexuals may be somewhat biased in the future. 
          This article was written by Adam Liptak on April 22, 2019. Before reading this article I had not known about what was going on with the Civil Rights Act and its terms being disputed nowadays. However, this only makes me feel negatively towards the Supreme Court and their decisions regarding this case. What the Supreme Court fails to understand is that homosexuals and transgenders are people as well just like the rest of us and they deserve to face equal opportunities no matter the case. They deserve to be treated equally and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was what protected their rights. We can relate this back to June of 1964 when this act was passed and how it banned discrimination in the workplace based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Also, it prohibits racial segregation in school, public areas, and workplaces. 

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