Monday, April 22, 2019

Plastic Shower Hose Pulled From Dead Dolphin's Stomach- adriana chavez

Another dead dolphin washed up on Fort Meyers Beach in Florida with a stomach full of plastic waste. However, during the necropsy, an unusual piece of junk was found sitting with the plastic in the dolphin's stomach: a two-foot plastic water hose. This is the second dolphin to be found washed ashore this past month, along with multiple other species of marine life with more plastic filled stomachs. In an effort to prevent more plastic waste induced damage, many states and countries have banned single use plastic bags, and some banning all plastic materials. "Your actions can make a difference," the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission encourages.

The effect of our plastic waste into our environment is no where near beneficial to anyone at all. Mountains of trash are overflowing in landfills, islands of plastic waste are floating in our oceans and yet, this isn't making an impact  on people's choices. The amount of plastic in our oceans contributes greatly to global warming and climate change, as it prevents the ocean from absorbing as much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere it can. Fortunately, many states and countries are taking action onto this climate crisis immediately to cut down on environmental damage. If we continue to pollute our world and contaminate it with our waste, there won't be a planet to support life within the next few generations.

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