On April 3, 2019, the Justice Department threatened to sue Alabama's prison system in the next 49 with a 56-page report containing rape and murder. This report is one of the first major civil rights of the Trump admin. Since 2015, at least 24 people have been killed in Alabama prisons. These prisons are understaffed and overcrowded, with the major prisons at 182% of their capacity. State legislature has tried to reduce overcrowding by reducing sentences, but it has had "minimal effrect". There has been 15 suicides in the past 15 months.
I think this is very important to investigate because our prison systems are usually not shown the light of day. It also relates to the Civil Rights Era because we are taking an interest in the civil rights of prisoners.
Mary Kate Madden
I agree with the lack of light shown on the violence within our prisons. Many people just know that prisons have violence and brush it off, not realizing how out of hand it really is. I'm interested to see how/if the government plans on improving the prison system in America.
ReplyDelete-Ryan Mecca
I don't know why the comment says that I'm logged in as Mary Kate lol
DeleteI'm not a hacker don't come for me
-Ryan Mecca
We desperately need prison reform
ReplyDeleteI think that popular media has contributed to the lack of concern for prison conditions, as in TV shows and movies prisons are portrayed as extremely violent places where social hierarchy makes sure that only terrible people can survive. Personally, I have never visited a real prison, but I do know that many people believe what they see on screen, either consciously or subconsciously, creating apathy for what state prisons are in. Even though many prisoners probably deserve to be in prison, they are still human beings. If not for them, legislature should be passed to relieve the stress faced by prison workers and guards.