Sunday, October 28, 2018

Alle' Holloway- Pittsburgh shooting

Pittsburgh Shooting: Multiple causalities at Squirrel Hill Synagogue

On Saturday morning, a white male entered the Squirrel Hill Synagogue armed with an assault rifle and two pistols. Eleven people died and officials say, in a gun attack on a synagogue in the US city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.The gunman, who opened fire was later taken into custody.

This article was uploaded on October 28, a day after the incident occurred, which is too soon for the public to get all their questions answered. This particular event reminds me of the beginning of the holocaust. The slow increase of hatred toward the Jewish was eventually taken to a completely different level. The article does a great job presenting the things they do know for certain and mentioning conspiracies. The article also covers all sides of the the situation the grievers, the president, and the people's perspectives. The author does surface the question of the gun man having religious motives and leaves room for new information and the audiences opinion. This shooting goes to show that you can still be killed for what you believe and that nothing is free. The first amendment tells us that we have religious freedom but incidents like this still occur.So what else can we do to eliminate these incidents?

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if there are any other actions we could take to prevent tragedies like this in the future. Gun control would help but is unlikely to ever pass given the interpretation of the 2nd amendment. Other than that, what can we do?
