Monday, October 29, 2018

Haley Bogdon - Cesar Sayoc Had Many Names On His Hit List

The FBI located a list of names with addresses that the suspected bomber, Cesar Sayoc, had in his possession.  These names included politicians, news reporters, and celebrities and he mentioned that he was planning to send additional bomb devices to some of them.  The FBI is working to notify all of the people mentioned on his list, as this is their duty to make people aware that there was a potential threat.  There is still a risk that there could be more packages that are travelling through the mail.  In the meantime, Sayoc was seen in court today smiling and talking with his attorneys.  He answered the judge's questions and spoke quietly into the microphone.  He is being held until his hearing on Nov. 2nd.  
This article was informative and is meant to let people know the facts surrounding the planning that was involved in carrying out the mailing of the bombs.  I think that the author did convey their opinion that Sayoc was not remorseful or worried about his fate because they mentioned how he was talking and smiling with his attorney in court.  Knowing this does make me even more upset that someone could possibly attempt to harm people and could later laugh when sitting in court.  This to me does enforce the idea that he meant to do what he did and does not feel bad or wish to reverse his actions.


  1. This really shows what ignorance does when carried on. Tiya Caldwell

  2. This is very dangerous , I hope they act fast.
    -Alma Alvarado-Cabrera

  3. I find this to be terrifying. its even scarier to think that a person can laugh after trying to put peoples lives in danger.

  4. I don't understand what human kind has come to. this man deserves what is going to come to him.

  5. What is happening to humanity! This is truly terrifying and honestly disappointing. Actions need to take place and fast.

  6. What is going on with this world today? Wow! This article is very upsetting and terrifying. I hope this work can make a change. Great work Haley! -Karsyn Kelly
