Monday, October 29, 2018

Siobhan Crummey- Sarah Sanders can't name a Single "Fake news" outlet

On Monday of this week, when Sarah Sanders was asked about the credibility of news outlets in this day and age. Although she dodged the question, she still managed to criticize other news outlets. She says "I'm not going to walk through a list, but they know who they are." First question Sarah Sanders, who's they? And why is it that all of the sudden you've decided to keep quiet when in the past you've had no problem spouting names and news outlets that were giving us "fake news?" sarah Sanders can't name any news outlets that are spouting "fake news" because the whole idea of "fake news" is to cover The Presidents mistakes by flat out denying all claims made against him.

The historical context is that the Trump administration has been doing this since it first came to be, when someone says they doing something wrong, they simply say that person is lying. The audience is the masses, and to inform everyone about what the Trump administration says they're trying to accomplish. The point of view is CNN, so think it means liberal. The is important because if Sarah Sanders and Trump continue to deny that they are doing anything wrong, the problem will just get worse.


  1. It is rather tragic how the administration often times makes an extremely vague claim to some sort of issue they claim to be plaguing the nation, when in actuality, they rarely site specifics on these exact issues. I would like to know if an event similar to this that is occurring now has ever happened in history.

  2. They may lie so as to not admit fault and show weakness, but it takes more strength to admit ones downfalls than to conceal them.
