Saturday, September 22, 2018

Zandrea Sanders #Im not sure anymore

The article i read talks about how the Secratery of the State, Mike Pompeo announces that the number of refugees that are allowed are set to 30,000 now. It started off at 45,000 at first. This has been the lowest its been for decades which is a big deal considering that now we have a massive number of refugees. He continues to say that "the refugee number should not be viewed in isolation" He also says that the "U.S already has a massive backlog or asylum seekers" His announcment drew immediate criticism from groups that help resettle refugees.

This article is important because it's something that has to do with the political views of people. As well as the president being someone that was a primary decider in this decision. The event that happens relates to U.S History beause of what happened with the Chinese Exclusion Act which stopped the immigration in China for ten years. Our number wen t from 45,000 to 30,000 and Pompeo also says that they might not even except 30,000 let alone half of 45,000.


  1. Emma Burkey: This is an important issue and the fact that we are lowing the number of refugees is unsettling. This is supposed to be the nation that takes the poor, hungry and tired and it is not right that we are compromising that ideal.

  2. I agree with Emma on this , is pretty unfair how we are lowing the number of refugees. We're supposed to be helping the people in need -Alma Alvarado-Cabrera-
