Saturday, September 29, 2018

ERYN FAYSON-Man charged with killing 2 Arizona girls who went missing

Eryn Fayson

Man charged with killing 2 Arizona girls who went missing
Today September 16,2018

Tucson, Arizona- A registered sex offender,Christopher Matthew Clements age 36, jailed since last year has been charged in kidnapping and killing of two Arizona girls. They went missing in 2012 and 2014.  His murdering and kidnapping charges are in the deaths of 6 year old Isabel Celis and13 year old Maribel Gonzalez.

Celis went missing from her Tuscon home in April 2012, and her body discovered March 2017.Gonzalez body was discovered in June 2014, not far from Celis remains would be found 3vyears later.

Clements had already been in jail facing other charges. Pima County Attorney Barbara LaWall called the identification if Clements as the killer of the girls "long overdue."The heart wrenching tragedies of Maribel and Gonzalez have been compounded by a very long,long wait for justice she said.

Analysis: It is great to see the bad guy get caught and bring justice for the families that had to go through these tragedies. Clements is a sick man and it is time for him to face the actions he has done. I can't imagine what it felt like for these families day by day and years passing and police still doesn't know what happened to their child.


  1. I agree that it is good to finally see that a sex offender is in jail! Someone as sick as that deserves everything he's about to get.

  2. This is actually so terrible! How could someone possibly due that to these innocent young girls? Clements definitely deserves to receive consequences.
