Monday, September 24, 2018

China accuses Sweden of racism- Madison Malonson

                     "Beijing accuses Sweden of racism amid escalating diplomatic row"

China and Sweden are in a diplomatic feud, based off of the accusations of racism. Apparently Chinese guests were overstaying their time at a hostel, and the Swedish media was apparently making fun of the guests who were forcibly kicked out. The Chinese Foreign Ministry, called the program, "a gross insult".
   Personally I think this is very wrong. The Swedish press did not to be so insensitive and racist. This reminded me of how the Nazis would spread racism and xenophobia around Europe.


  1. I agree with you that what the Swedish did was wrong. And I like how you connected it to, how the Nazis spreader racism around Europe.

  2. I like how you compared it to the Nazis in Europe, an also how you used quotes represent your point.

  3. I defiantly see how this is an act of nit just racism but also being disrespectful to others. When reading this article i also take in consideration of what if this event was turned around?how would they feel if something like this happened to them and what would their response or reaction be to it?

  4. Not being racist is common place knowledge. Everyone knows racism, regardless of where it may present itself, is a recipe for disaster. Its just kind of heart wrenching to hear this sort of thing. Its also infuriating, because even if they did overstay their welcome, it should've been handled in a much more mature way.
