Saturday, September 22, 2018

Sydney Ewing: Knoblach molestation accusations

Republican State Representative Jim Knoblach has decided to not run again for his chair because of allegations made against him by his daughter. Laura Knoblach claims that her father has pulled her into his lap, pinned her down, and kissed her neck, stomach, inner thighs, etc. She claims that he has done these things to her from the age of 9 to 21 (I don't really want the recant the things he did to her so if you want to know the details just read the article... I highly recommend). She claims that her family has tried to silence her about the situation. Old diary entries and numerous accounts of friends and members of the community have proven that the events she claims actually happened. Jim Knoblach has denied any recollection of these actions.

After only reading the statement released by Knoblach and Gaertner, the accusations made by his daughter seemed somewhat false, as an investigation was conducted and no charges were pressed. Another point made by Gaertner was basically that Laura openly disagreed with her father's Republican views and if he couldn't keep his seat in the Legislature, it would be filled by a Democrat. Knoblach and gaertner did a good job of addressing the situation in a way that makes Laura seem like she is lying by releasing these statements without all of the context and by refusing interviews on the subject. Upon further investigation if the story, it is evident that Knoblach did abuse/sexually harass his daughter. It is extremely unfortunate that the things that Knoblach would do to his daughter aren't considered a crime by the law. Multiple officers that interviewed Laura even stated that they wished that there was more that they could do. Most people agree that her father's actions were extremely inappropriate. Situations such as this should be taken on more of a case-by-case basis. The fact that the only reason Knoblach has not been arrested is because he did not expose himself or his daughter is ridiculous. If anything, this story shows how much the public doesn't know about the people it talks about and elects and also how far the legal system still has to come to be able to punish those that deserve it. There is SO much more I could talk about with this situation but I really don't want you to read a huge novel so I HIGHLY suggest reading the article for yourself. Its It's a little long but even reading half of it gives you a gist.


  1. The story itself is horrible but the fact that he can still run for a "high" position where something similar can happen again, is even worse.

  2. It's unfortunate how little trust we can put into people with power nowadays, and it's especially concerning that information like this can come out, and very little action is taken. I hope that we can take

  3. The molestation these days are just getting worse and worse, especially to his own daughter....THATS INSANE!!

  4. I agree with Faith , these people are in power and they behave like such animals. I'm shocked , no one should go through that specially. Molestation is not a joke , once they say it happens believe it. -Alma Alvarado-Cabrera
