Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Vincent Reid

Bolivia’s Indigenous President Loses Support Among Native People

         This article analyzes the gradual decline in popularity of Bolivia’s President Evo Morales.  He was originally elected into office in 2006 expected to be a champion for the rights of native peoples all across the country.  His first few years in office were an absolute triumph, with him nationalizing the country’s oil fields bringing a large surplus to Bolivia’s economy.  He also allowed for the creation of autonomous regions controlled by native peoples.  However he began his downfall when he began campaigning for a road to cut through a large swath of indigenous land, which was very unpopular with the local people.  He is also now wishing to remove the term limits on his already excessive presidency.

         This article provides a very objective view of the current political climate in Bolivia, as it provides both the triumphs and failures of Morales’ presidency.  I believe it is a shame that one of South America’s first indigenous president had to have such a tumultuous reign.  However I believe that he has lost touch with his roots, and in attempt to move towards the mainstream, ended up isolating native peoples in a country that is over 60% native.  

         I believe this situation bears a resemblance to that of Massachusetts during the mid to late 16th century.  Massachusetts at this time was losing touch with its Puritan population and its democratic roots, isolating those who doubted the belief system.  In that time period, those dissidents ended up splitting from the Massachusetts colony and founding the more liberal colonies of Rhode Island and Connecticut.  Time will only tell if the same happens for Bolivia and it’s indigenous dissidents begin seeking more than just autonomous regions from a country that has stopped caring about them and a president who wishes to rule for life.


  1. It is so upsetting to hear about people losing touch with where they came from. The Natives had originally voted for Morales so that he could pave the way for the indigenous community, but instead he tried to appeal to the mainstream and gain popularity. Hopefully, him and others will take this as a lesson to keep your word and stick with the people who made you who you are today.

  2. People should never forget their background . Morales should of been more serious about this situation. -Alma Alvarado- Cabrera
