Monday, September 24, 2018

Fiona Graybill-Melania Trump's spokeswoman reprimanded for Hatch Act violation

Melania Trump’s director of communication, Stephanie Grisham, violated the Hatch Act, which prohibits executive branch officials to engage in some forms of political activity besides the president, vice president, and some selected others. In a tweet featuring the slogan, “#MAGA.”  Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) saw her tweet and reported the violation, resulting in the communications director joining the list of government officials who have all been at the receiving end of a warning from CREW.

The Hatch Act was implemented to separate the president, vice president, and select others from the rest of the executive branch in regards to who can engage in displays of partisan politics. This brings up the question that if these officials aren’t supposed to be engaging in some forms to prohibit influence on other federal agencies, was this simply a lack of judgment or a ploy made by the Trump administration to try and strengthen their grasp on capital hill?

1 comment:

  1. This is a very interesting topic that, to be honest, I had no clue about. I wasn’t aware that it was not permitted for White House executives to publicly declare their political affiliation. I would love to hear a connection between this and an event from history.
