Following an investigation into items left on United Airlines flight from LA to Washington Dulles airport in January, in which traces of a controlled substance were found. These items reportedly belong to Rose McGowen, and that is the reason for the warrant. The warrant follows McGowen's accusations of Harvey Weinstein of rape at the Sundance Film Festival in 1997, and on Monday, the actress took to Twitter and said "Are they trying to silence me?", attacking the arrest warrant.
Despite the inauspicious occasion of the Weinstein scandal, McGowen cannot place the blame on that; the possession of controlled substances without a doctor's order is illegal. The situation presented mirrors the Kevin Spacey scandal, in that they both involve sexual assault allegation from the past that are just now having light shed on them.
Current Events Blog for Mrs. Countryman's AP United States History class at Booker T Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Dallas, Texas.
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Ian Hille 6th period post #4
Today a bag of meth was found in a child’s Halloween candy in a Wisconsin Native American reservation. The tribal police have issued a serious warning after they tested what they found and confirmed it was Crystal meth.
I think this is important because not everyone realizes how often this kind of stuff happens and just how dangerous it is. Just remember to stay safe this Halloween.
I think this is important because not everyone realizes how often this kind of stuff happens and just how dangerous it is. Just remember to stay safe this Halloween.
US Sailor's Rescue: Doubts Emerge over Survival Story - Sam Romine
Two US Sailors, Tasha Fuiva and Jennifer Appel, and their dogs were "stranded" for 5 months at sea after the engine of their boat failed during a journey from Tahiti to Hawaii. The two sailors attributed their survival to a collection of dry food and a water purifier on board. Recently, however, doubts have formed over the women's survival story have emerged. A US Coast Guard spokesperson Lt Scott Carr has said that the pair had an Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon on board, which the women both knew how to operate and was fully functional.
The articles purpose is most likely to raise suspicion of the two sailors' story because it has many faults: the "tropical storm" that the sailors said occurred on their first night at sea in May did not exist, their dogs, Valentine and Zeus, were in great health considering the fact that there was a struggle for food aboard the ship, and the lack of use of the EPIRB have all pointed out that the two sailors are fabricating parts of their story. The situation presented by this case is slightly similar to that of Bowe Bergdahl: they both involve military members, and they both involve faulty alibis.
The articles purpose is most likely to raise suspicion of the two sailors' story because it has many faults: the "tropical storm" that the sailors said occurred on their first night at sea in May did not exist, their dogs, Valentine and Zeus, were in great health considering the fact that there was a struggle for food aboard the ship, and the lack of use of the EPIRB have all pointed out that the two sailors are fabricating parts of their story. The situation presented by this case is slightly similar to that of Bowe Bergdahl: they both involve military members, and they both involve faulty alibis.
Ian Hille 6th period post #3
Just recently this week in West palm beach in southern Florida, a man was saved from drowning from a 13 yr old boy after his boat capsized. The boy happened to be surfing nearby when the mans boat was sucked under by the strong currents.
I think this was a great selfless act, and the man was lucky to have someone nearby when his boat went under or he could have died.
I think this was a great selfless act, and the man was lucky to have someone nearby when his boat went under or he could have died.
Ian Hille 6th period post #2
A ten year old lead police on a hour long chase after stealing his mom’s boyfriend’s car. According to police he reached speeds of over 100 miles per hour while speeding down the freeway. The police were eventually able to force him off the road and box him in, ending the chase. Apparently, this was his second time going for a joy ride in the past couple days.
I’m not really sure what to think about this, the kid must be going through some bad stuff to resort to stealing his mom’s boyfriend’s car.
I’m not really sure what to think about this, the kid must be going through some bad stuff to resort to stealing his mom’s boyfriend’s car.
Kevin Spacey: Netflix Halts Production of House of Cards production - Sam Romine
Following sexual assault allegations from Anthony Rapp, Kevin Spacey has released an apology letter in which he comes out as gay. The alleged incident took place in 1986, 31 years ago, which would have meant that Rapp was 14 and Spacey was 26. After the politicization of the incident, a TV show in which Spacey acted in, House of Cards, has been suspended, and Spacey has had an Emmy award withdrawn.
In addition to many people being disappointed with House of Cards being cancelled, many are also disappointed with Spacey using his sexuality to protect himself from his predatory behavior. Spacey chose a very inopportune time to come out, and despite it being good to see an A-list actor come out, using this to try and get a "pass" on his outrageous actions is absolutely unacceptable. The situation that is unfolding greatly mirrors that of Harvey Weinstein and sexual assault allegations targeting him. This article is significant because it unearths the frequency of sexual assault in Hollywood.
In addition to many people being disappointed with House of Cards being cancelled, many are also disappointed with Spacey using his sexuality to protect himself from his predatory behavior. Spacey chose a very inopportune time to come out, and despite it being good to see an A-list actor come out, using this to try and get a "pass" on his outrageous actions is absolutely unacceptable. The situation that is unfolding greatly mirrors that of Harvey Weinstein and sexual assault allegations targeting him. This article is significant because it unearths the frequency of sexual assault in Hollywood.
Ian Hille 6th period Current events post #1
There was a recent seemingly random attack in which a truck ran over 8 bicyclists on a bike path. However, a not was found on the crime seen written in English explaining that the attack was committed in the name of Isis.
I think this is a terrible thing and I wish we didn’t have to worry about such violent attacks happening all the time around the world.
I think this is a terrible thing and I wish we didn’t have to worry about such violent attacks happening all the time around the world.
New York Terror Attacks - Sam Romine
On 10/31 a terror attack caused the death of 8 pedestrians and bicyclists and injured many more on the streets of New York. The suspect, Sayfullo Saipov, exited his truck immediately following the attack and was shot in the abdomen. He is currently hospitalized, and it is believed that he was acting alone.
The significance of this article is to inform people of the tragic events that occurred today in New York, and it was very successful in doing so. It is very unfortunate to see terror attacks like these becoming much more abundant in US. This event mirrors the Las Vegas shooting a few weeks ago in that the suspect was acting alone, but unlike that tragedy, the suspect in this attack was acting with the Islamic State.
The significance of this article is to inform people of the tragic events that occurred today in New York, and it was very successful in doing so. It is very unfortunate to see terror attacks like these becoming much more abundant in US. This event mirrors the Las Vegas shooting a few weeks ago in that the suspect was acting alone, but unlike that tragedy, the suspect in this attack was acting with the Islamic State.
Emily Shaw
Scientists Spot First Alien Space Rock
Astronomers have spotted some kind of space rock that has been the first ever to visit our solar system from another. It had set up a large scramble to point a telescope at the fast moving object before it had disappeared from sight. it is quite small--about less than a quarter of a mile in diameter--and seems to have come from the constellation Lyra. it didn't move how regular comets and asteroids do, however. different stars have different chemical compositions, so scientists are wondering if it had come from and produces material similar to the planet-making stuff of our own.
It is always interesting reading about brand new discoveries in any field of science, especially with a first time occurrence. I can't wait to read more about it in the future and seeing how this information and gathering will further lead us to even more scientific first-time discoveries in the future.
Astronomers have spotted some kind of space rock that has been the first ever to visit our solar system from another. It had set up a large scramble to point a telescope at the fast moving object before it had disappeared from sight. it is quite small--about less than a quarter of a mile in diameter--and seems to have come from the constellation Lyra. it didn't move how regular comets and asteroids do, however. different stars have different chemical compositions, so scientists are wondering if it had come from and produces material similar to the planet-making stuff of our own.
It is always interesting reading about brand new discoveries in any field of science, especially with a first time occurrence. I can't wait to read more about it in the future and seeing how this information and gathering will further lead us to even more scientific first-time discoveries in the future.
Estrella 3
In recent news a federal court has blocked Trump's transgender ban in the army. It stops the Pentagon from Obama's policy to allow transgender people into the army. However, it's only temporary, but is the first order changing the original one. This whole article is basically just informing the reader that the order has been temporarily changed, and what changed it.
In my opinion, I'm glad it's been changed. I think that the whole idea was useless, the army has a HUGE budget, taking away the transgender people won't make a significant difference.
In recent news a federal court has blocked Trump's transgender ban in the army. It stops the Pentagon from Obama's policy to allow transgender people into the army. However, it's only temporary, but is the first order changing the original one. This whole article is basically just informing the reader that the order has been temporarily changed, and what changed it.
In my opinion, I'm glad it's been changed. I think that the whole idea was useless, the army has a HUGE budget, taking away the transgender people won't make a significant difference.
Estrella 2
Recently it's been quite common for NFL players to kneel during the national anthem in protest. However, there has been controversy surrounding this protest, because of people confusing it for them protesting the anthem. Reports say that owners aren't happy with the way some coaches have been handling the situation. Recently Houston Texas players kneeled in protest to the comments from the owner referring to the players as "inmates".
I honestly don't get why people gave a problem with the protest, or what it stands for. Once again it goes back to the amendments, the 1st amendment includes the freedom of speech which they ARE exercising. During the protest of Charlottesville people always used the excuse of freedom of speech, but now it's suddenly not okay. The protest isn't even disrespectful, in the beginning Colin Kaepernick was going to sit on the bleachers but one of his friends informed him in battle when a soldier dies they kneel in respect.
Recently it's been quite common for NFL players to kneel during the national anthem in protest. However, there has been controversy surrounding this protest, because of people confusing it for them protesting the anthem. Reports say that owners aren't happy with the way some coaches have been handling the situation. Recently Houston Texas players kneeled in protest to the comments from the owner referring to the players as "inmates".
I honestly don't get why people gave a problem with the protest, or what it stands for. Once again it goes back to the amendments, the 1st amendment includes the freedom of speech which they ARE exercising. During the protest of Charlottesville people always used the excuse of freedom of speech, but now it's suddenly not okay. The protest isn't even disrespectful, in the beginning Colin Kaepernick was going to sit on the bleachers but one of his friends informed him in battle when a soldier dies they kneel in respect.
Jeson Aviles - Former Hospital Will Soon Treat the Homeless When it Transforms into 60 Housing Units
Yesterday in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a gathering of community partners came together to celebrate the ceremony for the construction of St. Anthony's Apartments, which are 60 units of permanent supportive housing that'll take place from within the former St. Anthony's Hospital. It will be renovated, by Chicago-based Heartland Housing, with onsite property management, a supportive clinic, and a health clinic - all for support for the homeless.
"By providing permanent supportive housing to those who would otherwise be homeless, self-sufficiency will become more than a dream".
Written by the Good News Network on October 30th of 2017.
The unity of the individuals or members can be often noted in history through the good works and strives for a better environment and future for people, notably the fights for freedom, rights, and recognition. Events like these, where the less privileged are aided in life with the most basic of needs and more, shows us at our young age to help others.
"By providing permanent supportive housing to those who would otherwise be homeless, self-sufficiency will become more than a dream".
Written by the Good News Network on October 30th of 2017.
The unity of the individuals or members can be often noted in history through the good works and strives for a better environment and future for people, notably the fights for freedom, rights, and recognition. Events like these, where the less privileged are aided in life with the most basic of needs and more, shows us at our young age to help others.
Elizabeth Keehn - Ruling that state owes $26.3M to the blind to be appealed
the state of Missouri is appealing the ruling that the state owes $26.3m to more than 3,000 blind people who were underpaid by the department of social services' blind pension fund.the attorney generals office filed a notice that would appeal Cole county judges decision. this appeal is the fifth in a decade-long case that was established in the 1920's that ensured a social safety net for the blind.
it currently pays 3,000 Missourians about $728 a month from a special levy on property taxes. in 2006, the Missouri council sued the organization for using the funds for other expenses. judges have agreed the funds should be paid out, but the appeals have delayed the process. while that is pending, the state is having to pay interest at 9% per year.
it currently pays 3,000 Missourians about $728 a month from a special levy on property taxes. in 2006, the Missouri council sued the organization for using the funds for other expenses. judges have agreed the funds should be paid out, but the appeals have delayed the process. while that is pending, the state is having to pay interest at 9% per year.
Maddy Pollak//Crystal meth found in trick or treat bag on Wisconsin Indian reservation
In Keshena Wisconsin on a native reservation meth was found in a bag mixed with a child's Halloween candy. The child's parents found the drugs and called the police. The child had been trick or treating in the Keshena area Sunday. Police still say it's unclear whether the drugs were handed out on purpose or on accident. Police are now warning parents to check there kids Halloween bags.
I find it sad how now a days we have to check for drugs in children's halloween candy. The fact that someone would be sick enough to try and poison a child or get them high is disgusting. I feel though it's important to spread the word to parents to check there child's bag for drugs to prevent a child getting hurt.
Michael Sanchez....trump belittled someone (wowwww)
Trump is said to have belittled a low level adviser attempted to connect with Russia
Trump commented on a the actions of a former foreign policy adviser, who attmitted to living to the FBI about contacting Russia on having Dirt on Hilliary Clinton
Craig Fleming 2-5
John Kelly, the White House Chief of Staff was speaking about U.S history, and said that the civil war was caused because of the inability to compromise. So he basically is saying that the slaves should have compromised their freedom and rights. He also said that Civil War “hero” Robert E. Lee was a very honorable man and that his statues should not be taken down. I think that there was no way for the civil war to be avoided with compromise, what is there to compromise? The slaves deserved to be free.
Craig Fleming 2-4
Reports are showing that Halloween costumes are becoming more and more political over the years. Many costumes are offensive, like blackface or culture appropriating costumes. This creates a big political argument over wether costumes are appreciating or appropriating cultures. With Donald Trump as president many people are dressing up as him. In my opinion I think it’s the intent of the costume that makes it offensive. If someone plans to offend than you can usually tell. I do think that if someone isn’t sure wether a costume is offensive or not then they should choose one of the other hundreds of costumes available.
Bowe Bergdahl's Trial by Victoria Valdez
Bowe Bergdahl is being tried for deserting his post in 2009. He has pleaded guilty to walking away from his post due to concerns about the chain of command in the Army. His fellow Army troops started searching for him and went on an extremely dangerous mission for 19 days in order to help him. A K-9 Officer died during a fire fight and a Navy SEAL was seriously wounded when he was shot in the knee. He is still dealing with that injury today. Bowe Bergdahl has defended his actions but faces life in prison.
I think that it is wrong that Bergdahl walked away from his post and put so many people in danger. He made the choice to sign up for the military and should have honored that commitment.
I think that it is wrong that Bergdahl walked away from his post and put so many people in danger. He made the choice to sign up for the military and should have honored that commitment.
What Led to the Civil War by Victoria Valdez
White House Chief of Staff, John Kelly, has remarked that the American Civil War was started due to the lack of compromise. He was discussing the fact that in today's society, in order to deal with our history, that we are tearing down historical monuments. He stated that Robert E. Lee chose duty to state over government. That was just how it was back in that day.
I think that in today's society we need to try to understand that 100 years ago, life was different and human made different choices. As humans, we have evolved and we have learned so many things that used to be acceptable that is no longer acceptable. We ultimately have become better people and we need to celebrate that instead of tearing each other down just because of a difference of opinions...and we should never try to remove, forget or re-write history.
I think that in today's society we need to try to understand that 100 years ago, life was different and human made different choices. As humans, we have evolved and we have learned so many things that used to be acceptable that is no longer acceptable. We ultimately have become better people and we need to celebrate that instead of tearing each other down just because of a difference of opinions...and we should never try to remove, forget or re-write history.
Father Kills Daughter- JJ Jankovsky
Recently, not to far away from all of us, a father killed his 3 year old daughter and disposed of her afterwards. This is honestly such a disgrace, who could ever think to kill and innocent child like that. His first story was that she wouldn’t drink her milk in the middle of the night and he put her in the backyard alone as punishment. He then said that she might’ve wandered off and gotten lost or coyotes got her. The story makes sense, but not enough for police to shut down the case. Later, after days of searching, they found the 3 year old girl, rotting in an culvert not to far from their house. After they had found her body he went down to the police station with a new story then the one he had told previously. He said that when she wouldn’t drink her milk he got aggravated and forced her to drink the milk, which she then chocked on and died. The first thing he thought to do was to dispose of her body. What? That is the worst think you can do as a father and an overall human being. He is now being charged with injury to a child and his bail is $1 million. The police are still investigating her body for more evidence.
Source: Fox 4 News
I think that this connects to history because in the Salem Witch Trails, innocent people were killed daily because of dumb accusations. It might be a stretch but this little girl had her life taken away from her from a very stupid reason, just like the women in the Salem Witch Trails. We as humans should never even think of murder. I hope that man rots in jail for what he did to that poor girl. Such a sad thing for everyone, but we all know she is at peace now.
Source: Fox 4 News
I think that this connects to history because in the Salem Witch Trails, innocent people were killed daily because of dumb accusations. It might be a stretch but this little girl had her life taken away from her from a very stupid reason, just like the women in the Salem Witch Trails. We as humans should never even think of murder. I hope that man rots in jail for what he did to that poor girl. Such a sad thing for everyone, but we all know she is at peace now.
MaKaria Harris-Climate
The United States and Syria are now the only 2 out of 195 countries not apart of the Paris climate agreement now that Nicaragua has joined after denying it first.
Climate change is really affecting the world and I’m glad Nicaragua agreed to joining I hope we can all do the same and strive towards change for the world to get better.
Climate change is really affecting the world and I’m glad Nicaragua agreed to joining I hope we can all do the same and strive towards change for the world to get better.
Monday, October 30, 2017
Freedom of the press- Noah Huerta
Jack Boreham- State of the Northeast after Philippe
Now that the tropical storm Philippe has passed it has left many without power in the Northeast region. It is so bad in main that the governor has declared a state of emergency. This storm also caused a lot of flooding in the region. They swelling of rivers and flood waters have even been reported to carry away some houses. This storm has also severed transportation like cars, trains, and planes. In New Hampshire, 179 roads, including 40 state roads were closed this Monday due to conditions and debris. It has also effected education in the region by forcing dozens of schools to close for a day or more.
This event can only remind me of hurricane Sandy, which only hit the region 5 years ago. Luckily no deaths have been reported so far. I hope that the region will return to normal soon. I also hope that conditions don't get worse in that region too.
MaKaria Harris -Trump and drugs
Trump believes that the building the wall will help get the drug problem under control. Many people are skeptical of this because they believe that if they want to get the drugs across the border they will find a way and the way won’t stop them.
I agree with the skeptics because in a lot if situation if people are determined to do something they will and no wall can stop it. I didn’t know Trump thinks that a wall will stop drug problems but now that it reminds me of how oblivious and ignorant people can be with power.
I agree with the skeptics because in a lot if situation if people are determined to do something they will and no wall can stop it. I didn’t know Trump thinks that a wall will stop drug problems but now that it reminds me of how oblivious and ignorant people can be with power.
Henry Haas-A not so Merry Santa Story
In a house party somewhere around Austin Texas this evening four people were shot and critically injured by a man wearing a Santa costume. The host of the party knew the man, nd invited him, however she was ultimately one of the four injured as well. One neighbor stated that they had even talked to the person maybe a couple hours before the incident and they seemed stable, relaxed. There was no telling of what would happen later. He luckily left the party earlier and avoided the attack.
This is an extreme example of unpredictability in the world. A lot of things are simply out of our control right now, however it is extremely important to be prepared for events on a bigger scale. Friends can be enemies, and with the South Korea trade deal still shaky, we may soon lose valuable reasorces and ways to spy on North Korea. Taking this as an example, I believe it would be best to use it as a warning. We need to be prepared like these people weren’t tonight.
This is an extreme example of unpredictability in the world. A lot of things are simply out of our control right now, however it is extremely important to be prepared for events on a bigger scale. Friends can be enemies, and with the South Korea trade deal still shaky, we may soon lose valuable reasorces and ways to spy on North Korea. Taking this as an example, I believe it would be best to use it as a warning. We need to be prepared like these people weren’t tonight.
Maddy pollak/ gunman dresses as Santa Claus opens fire
A Halloween party was being held in central Austin on Sunday. Around 6 am police say a man dressed up as Santa clause opened fire. Resulting in 2 victims suffering life threatening injuries, a third victim being taken to the hospital with non life threatening injuries and a fourth who suffered minor injuries and was treated at the scene. Tim Kaupis has lived on the block were the shooting occurred for 12 years, he said the women who threw the party was a victim. Kaupis also spoke with the shooter before the party and had no idea something like this would occur. "He's always been very cordial to us. He's always been stable to us, but like I said, he never showed any signs to me,” Kaupis said.
This incident that occurred is disgusting, gun violence still continues to be a problem and there aren't being any actions made to making gun laws stricter. I still believe in the right to bare arms but I feel gun distribution should be tightly regulated to prevent guns going into the hands of someone who may cause harm to others. My heart goes out to the families that were affected my this tragedy.
Aeva Ramirez- Obama is of to Jury Duty
Former president Barak Obama has made a smooth transition back into everyday. He went on a couple vacations, saw his oldest daughter go off to college, and got to celebrate his 25th wedding anniversary with Michelle. Overall life has been sweet and now Obama has been called down to serve jury duty in Cook County, IL. He will still be accompanied by a small security team to partake in his civic obligations.
Sometimes I forget that such high political powers were once normal people too. It humanizes them more in my opinion. And sometimes I wonder how history would have been different if Washington had never decided to step down after two terms. Would we still have a democracy today? Would we ever elect our first black president? Or a president for that matter. And would we ever see that common man, that is on all of us, in our leaders?
Halloween Costume You Want to Skip This Year- Sophie Sandoval
Theres been problems with Blackface and offensive costumes each halloween. However, when a couple decided to dress and Kim and Kanye West, there was major negative feedback because the man decided to darken his face in order to"make" the costume. On last Tuesday, on Twitter of a girl in Blackface, body paint, butt padding and and a bodysuit to portray Nicki Minaj. People of all races are offended. I personally don't think white people should darken themselves to be Drake, Kanye, Nicki or any other rapper. It is very offensive depending on how far people go which this is pretty far.
I know Halloween is a day to be whatever you want but sometimes there are just things that should be left undone. Darkening your skin for a effing costume is definitely NOT necessary. If y'all know whats best, then you will not go that far for a costume. People who do stuff like this I have no respect for whatsoever. I mean for God sake Demi Lovato SLAYED in a Selena Quintanilla costume. Even though she's a little light you didn't see her darkening hr skin to match Selena's color. I think that we should all just play it safe this year and not be so extra with our costumes.
I know Halloween is a day to be whatever you want but sometimes there are just things that should be left undone. Darkening your skin for a effing costume is definitely NOT necessary. If y'all know whats best, then you will not go that far for a costume. People who do stuff like this I have no respect for whatsoever. I mean for God sake Demi Lovato SLAYED in a Selena Quintanilla costume. Even though she's a little light you didn't see her darkening hr skin to match Selena's color. I think that we should all just play it safe this year and not be so extra with our costumes.
Alleged Militant in Benghazi Attack Captured
US Captures Key Militant in Benghazi Attack
Source: FOX News
Summary: In an unknown location in Libya on Sunday, the US military captured an alleged militant who is believed to have been involved in the 2012 Benghazi attack. In 2012, a US diplomatic compound was attacked, in which four people were killed: Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others. This militant is being transferred to Washington where he will be charged for his actions. Sources say that President Trump approved of this military action.
Analysis: The one good thing Trump has done so far. Approve of a ,basically, retaliation mission. I believe this action was necessary because these militants just had to blow up/ light up a US diplomatic compound which was basically undefended. These militants had it coming.
Picture Link:
Blog by: Brandon Min
6th Period
Zoe Bator- Trump's ban on transgender troops blocked
Trump's ban on transgender troops blocked
Tom Vanden Brook
Abuse and Neglect in Special Needs Center- Laurel Mora
Horrific details are pouring out from a center in Pennsylvania. The Disability Rights New York has reported illegal use of physical restraints, failed to set up behavioral interventions, run dirty facilities, and much more. Multiple interviews with patients, staff, and family members reveal that the abuse has been long-term. One instance involved a child who was intentionally suffocated. Said incident was never properly reported, and the child's parents were not informed that the child needed treatment inside a hospital emergency room. Neglect has also resulted in two deaths of residents. New York State is already under scrutiny for abuse, but this latest report enlarges the microscope. The state's Office for People with Developmental Disabilities plans to meet with Disability Rights New York to discuss the findings.
It was absolutely heart-breaking to read this article. I was disgusted at how these people who were supposed to be caretakers harmed and/or left their residents to die. Such abuse is hauntingly familiar to the treatment of the mentally disabled that Dorthea Dix strongly advocated against. She accomplished so much, yet even a hundred years later, there is still work left to do. Regardless, I hope justice is swift for those who suffered and those who made them.
Horrific details are pouring out from a center in Pennsylvania. The Disability Rights New York has reported illegal use of physical restraints, failed to set up behavioral interventions, run dirty facilities, and much more. Multiple interviews with patients, staff, and family members reveal that the abuse has been long-term. One instance involved a child who was intentionally suffocated. Said incident was never properly reported, and the child's parents were not informed that the child needed treatment inside a hospital emergency room. Neglect has also resulted in two deaths of residents. New York State is already under scrutiny for abuse, but this latest report enlarges the microscope. The state's Office for People with Developmental Disabilities plans to meet with Disability Rights New York to discuss the findings.
It was absolutely heart-breaking to read this article. I was disgusted at how these people who were supposed to be caretakers harmed and/or left their residents to die. Such abuse is hauntingly familiar to the treatment of the mentally disabled that Dorthea Dix strongly advocated against. She accomplished so much, yet even a hundred years later, there is still work left to do. Regardless, I hope justice is swift for those who suffered and those who made them.
Transgender Ban Banned - Amy Mills
A federal court today blocked trump’s ban on transgender service members. The order in Washington by U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly temporarily prevents to the Pentagon from enacting the ban that trump announced by his tweet in July. It is the first court order following challenges to trump's ban and can be appealed. Lawyers for the plaintiffs hailed the decision, saying that it means the guarantees made under the Obama administration to transgender troops, including medical care, are back in place. That also means the Pentagon must begin making plans to accept new transgender troops by Jan. 1, 2018, said Shannon Minter, legal director at the National Center for Lesbian Rights. In August, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis announced that transgender troops would be allowed to stay in the ranks while experts studied issues surrounding their service. In 2016, the Pentagon rescinded its longstanding ban on service by transgender troops. The policy outlined how troops could receive medical treatment, including gender reassignment surgery. But on July 26, Trump surprised the Pentagon and tweeted that there was no room in the military for transgender troops and that the government would no longer pay for their treatment. (Written today by Tom Vanden Brook) We'll see where that takes us this time. I, personally, think that if someone wants to join the army, you let them join, no matter who they are. Just because somebody identifies with another gender/is transgender doesn't make them any less human, and trump treats the LGBTQ+ community like aliens.
Current Event- Ellen Whitehead
Over a year ago, a young mom was found overdosed in her car with her 10 month old son in the back seat. The woman, Erika Hunt, was found by the cops and one of the cops top a picture of her and shared it with the world. This photo's publicity is what helped get Erika Hunt back on track. The cop's reasoning for sharing this photo was to create awareness of this issue to help future problems, and it worked. After this incident, Hunt took rehab seriously. Today, one year later, Hunt is sober and happier than ever with her son. She states that the photo helps to remind of her how bad times were and how much better she is now. I am glad that incidents like this are helping people realize the real outcomes of drug addictions. It is important that addiction rates go down rather than up and awareness such as the picture that the police officer shared helps to spread the real affect of these powerful drugs.
Man handcuffed after trying to save family from house fire- Sanaya Gangal
Summary of Article:
Missouri state representative of St. Charles County home, St. Onge, wound up in handcuffs after running into a burning house fire trying to rescue a family of three. This former firefighter claimed, "When I was coming up on the Lake St. Boulevard, I saw smoke that didn't look natural and I pulled into the subdivision"; he wanted to see if the scene was in danger or if it was a false alarm. After realizing the house was actually on fire, he phoned 911 and took action immediately.
Before the fire crew arrived at the scene, St. Onge was already trying to put out the fire with a garden hose. Once the cops showed up with their fire crew, the police ordered St. Onge to "get off the walkway". They kept telling him that he was in danger and that he needed to step away from the house but St. Onge, persistent on trying to help, refused. He tried to reason with the police saying that he was a former fire fighter who knows what he's doing but instead "I kinda went off on him and said a few things and they put me in cuffs" he said.
St. Onge admits to not following the orders of the police, but is not guilty for trying to help the family to safety.
Missouri state representative of St. Charles County home, St. Onge, wound up in handcuffs after running into a burning house fire trying to rescue a family of three. This former firefighter claimed, "When I was coming up on the Lake St. Boulevard, I saw smoke that didn't look natural and I pulled into the subdivision"; he wanted to see if the scene was in danger or if it was a false alarm. After realizing the house was actually on fire, he phoned 911 and took action immediately.
Before the fire crew arrived at the scene, St. Onge was already trying to put out the fire with a garden hose. Once the cops showed up with their fire crew, the police ordered St. Onge to "get off the walkway". They kept telling him that he was in danger and that he needed to step away from the house but St. Onge, persistent on trying to help, refused. He tried to reason with the police saying that he was a former fire fighter who knows what he's doing but instead "I kinda went off on him and said a few things and they put me in cuffs" he said.
St. Onge admits to not following the orders of the police, but is not guilty for trying to help the family to safety.
Analysis: Because of how crucial the situation was, I think that the police were trying to be in control of everything, which resulted in the unnecessary handcuffing of St. Onge, but St. Onge's intentions were for the best. What he did was brave, not disobedient. Handcuffing him for not listening was overly aggressive but it wouldn't have happened if he just followed directions.
Zoe Nguyen- Loss of Federal Protections May Imperil Pacific Reefs, Scientists Warn
Loss of Federal Protections May Imperil Pacific Reefs, Scientists Warn
“It was a biological desert,” he said. Where normally fish and crabs dart about forests of coral and sponges, “all we could can see was a parking lot full of nets and lines, with no life at all.” The recently allowed fishing in protected seamounts is destroying the delicate ecosystem. The Trump administationis considering allowing fishing in 10 national sea monuments. Personally, I believe that people shouldn’t be fishing in these monuments because there are so many species that are being protected by my the government by not allowing people to fish there. Now, that the trump administration is considering allowing people to fish there is going to destroy the seamounts.
Chloe Leal - This Woman Saved the Americas From the Nazis - National Geographic
This Woman Saved the Americas From the Nazis - National Geographic
Elizabeth Friedman was a poet who actually turned out to be quite possibly the best and most efficient code breakers for the United States to ever produce. She was raised in Quakerism and in Indiana. She taught herself how to solve secret messages without knowing the key. Jason Fagone illustrates her life and countless accomplishments in his book The Woman Who Smashed Codes and argues that J. Edgar Hoover simply benched Friedman's works. Elizabeth Friedman caught gangsters and organized crime kingpins. She also hunted Nazi spies during World War II and lead the United States in what could be referred to as the "the invisible war."
This article was written by Simon Worrall of the National Geographic magazine. There is no doubt in my mind as to how we truly ought to actually know Elizabeth Friedman's name and her absolutely magnificent efficiency in code breaking. Thanks to her and hard working individuals of the sort, we were able to intercept and track messages in her height work that was done during World War II.
Elizabeth Friedman was a poet who actually turned out to be quite possibly the best and most efficient code breakers for the United States to ever produce. She was raised in Quakerism and in Indiana. She taught herself how to solve secret messages without knowing the key. Jason Fagone illustrates her life and countless accomplishments in his book The Woman Who Smashed Codes and argues that J. Edgar Hoover simply benched Friedman's works. Elizabeth Friedman caught gangsters and organized crime kingpins. She also hunted Nazi spies during World War II and lead the United States in what could be referred to as the "the invisible war."
This article was written by Simon Worrall of the National Geographic magazine. There is no doubt in my mind as to how we truly ought to actually know Elizabeth Friedman's name and her absolutely magnificent efficiency in code breaking. Thanks to her and hard working individuals of the sort, we were able to intercept and track messages in her height work that was done during World War II.
Aeva Ramirez- Trump goes on Twitter, again
A federal grand jury has approved the first charges in Rober Mueller's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 election. And the individuals in question are to be taken into custody. Donald Trump went on a Twitter rampage say that this investigation is just a "witch hunt" against him. He then attempted to deflect attention from him onto Hillary Clinton, saying that she should be subject to these investigations.
Why can't he just stay off Twitter. The power of Twitter in the hands of a man with no filter in the perfect concoction for self-inflicted doom. Also Trumps constant slandering of Hillary reminds me of the political tactics used in the election of 1824 and 1836.
Why can't he just stay off Twitter. The power of Twitter in the hands of a man with no filter in the perfect concoction for self-inflicted doom. Also Trumps constant slandering of Hillary reminds me of the political tactics used in the election of 1824 and 1836.
MaKaria Harris - Nfl Protests
Dave Zirin is the author of the article and is an American political sportswriter. He is against McNair’s statement and feels as though he’s only proving the point of the protests. I already knew that players were protesting and reading this article only made the protests more valid in my opinion. This article definitely relates to how blacks have always been looked down upon,because of the fact that the players (70% black) are getting compared to inmates and to think that many inmates are “bad black people” because of the systematic racism that’s in place because of the people who didn’t want blacks to have the same lives as them after enslaving and segregating them.
1.1 Million Without Power- Soleil Singh
Once again, after another hurricane (known as Hurricane Phillip) strikes, it leaves a devastating aftermath, and over 1.1 million without power.
The storm drenched the region over the weekend before racing into Canada early Monday. It left behind swollen rivers and downed trees that damaged roads, snarled traffic and left millions without power.By Monday evening, more than 1.1 million power customers were still without electricity, including 248,557 in Massachusetts and 137,900 in Rhode Island. In Maine, which was especially hard hit, and now the government is to give power companies more flexibility to make repairs. Central Main aid says more than half of its customer base was without power Monday. By nightfall, 384,000 were still without power. The utility said it was unable to restore power on Monday because of widespread damage and the danger of downed power lines.
I believe this is so upsetting that simple tropical storms can lead to such disasters and although this is not as "deadly" as Maria, it still proves to be powerful enough to leave many citizens without power, which I forebode will provide issues.
Bobby Pinnock One Million Without Power After Fierce Storm Hits Northeast
A hard storm hit the East Coast leaving one million people powerless. Maine was the most affected, more than 400,000 were left without power. Natural Forces seem to be hurting our nation lately. I hope we find a way to come back from this.®ion=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=2&pgtype=sectionfront®ion=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=2&pgtype=sectionfront
Puerto Rican rain forest obliterated- Taylor Knighton
Due to Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico's El Yunque National park was left in ruins. If you've seen El Yunque before, you wouldn't be able to recognize it today. The hurricane defoliated all of the 28,000 acres of land. This creates a problem with the natural reassume, water because El Yunque supplies 20% of Puetro Rico's water.
This makes me want to go down there and help Puerto Rico in as many ways as I can but we as a nation have to work together to help them in there time of need.
This makes me want to go down there and help Puerto Rico in as many ways as I can but we as a nation have to work together to help them in there time of need.
Jessica Ball 10/30/17
Current Events: Judge Temporarily Blocks Military Ban on Transgenders
Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotlley blocked Trump’s memorandum on banning transgender people from serving in the military on Monday. She found the ban to be potentially unconstitutional, and she ruled that the military’s current policy should stay in place. She noted that the proposed policies violated the equal protection laws of the Constitution, and she also claimed that Trump’s reasoning for banning transgenders from the military are not factually supported. Monday’s ruling was a very encouraging step for supporters, and if everything goes well, new trans recruits will be able to enlist in January and current troops will be able to rejoin.
Trump’s proposal to ban transgenders from the military was such an incredibly stupid idea for it was just sending the improvements of our “free” country back in time. If someone is willing to fight for their country, the government should accept and embrace that, not ban them. I look forward to the day when we get a new president and they will probably work on undoing everything that Trump has completely screwed up. I recently did a project on women’s roles in the revolution, and even back then when sexism was very prominent, women were still accepted into military regiments because they wanted to fight and why would the government tell them that they couldn’t? Thank goodness that Trump doesn’t have too much power and is getting checked because we should be progressing and not digressing.
Bobby Pinnock Judge Blocks Trump’s Ban on Transgender Troops in Military
Donald trump attempted to ban transgender troops from being admitted into the military. But, before a judge it was declared unconstitutional and terminated. This shows how the separation of powers helps stop branches from gaining too much power on America. It also demonstrates how each branch checks and balances each other to prevent unjust laws.®ion=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=2&pgtype=sectionfront®ion=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=2&pgtype=sectionfront
margot tortolani 10/30
4 Year Old Girl Found Wandering Alone
Earlier this morning a four year old girl was found wandering the streets alone. According to police reports the child was staying with her grandfather and had somehow “wandered off”. She was found wandering around Plano, and someone called the authorities to alert them. She was found around 5 am by someone who lived in an apartment complex nearby. They asked the little girl things such as her name, but she could not recall where she was staying. The police then had to spend several hours attempting to locate the girl’s home. They questioned neighbors and other residents if they knew where she lived. The young girl, Kimber, and her sister live with their grandmother who is their legal guardian. However, they were staying with their grandfather, who is divorced from their grandmother. After seeing Kimber’s face in the news, her grandmother called the police. The authorities are investigating how Kimber got out of her grandfather’s apartment, and how he didn’t even notice. Kimber and her sister have gone back to their grandmother’s and Child Protective Services is looking into their case. No charges have been filed against the grandfather as of now, but the police said it could very likely happen.
This article was updated around 6 this evening. It warns of the neglect some children face, and how they should be properly protected. The fact that this four year old girl crept out without the slightest hint of acknowledgment is baffling to me. She was very lucky that she was found by a trusting and compassionate person. She could’ve just as easily been taken in by someone with dishonorable intentions.
Sadie Schiermeyer- Kevin Spacey
Lately, there have been many outspoken victims about sexual harassment who are coming forward to share their story and spread awareness. One of these victims happens to be the Star Trek star, Anthony Rapp. Fourteen when it happened, Rapp shares the story of a then rather drunk 26-year-old Kevin Spacey trying to harass him at a party. Since this story has come to light, Spacey has attempted to clear his name via social media. However, he has made an even bigger problem for himself when he used the post to come out of the closet as well. Although most celebrities face nothing but support when coming out, readers are furious. It comes across as an excuse to readers. On top of that, he has now tied the lgbtq community to the idea of not only sexual harassment but child molestation as well. Luckily, many others stars and authoritative figures have stood up in social media to refute his “apology”.
This story has more to deal with the social side of America right now versus the political side but I think this is very important address! Acts like this have been going on forever, but now that they’re having light shed on them people are acting like it’s a new unheard of thing. It is very real and very common! In fact, I was talking with my mom about Hamilton a couple days ago about how common cheating was back in his time. From there, the conversation led to harassment in the time. It completely boggles my mind how this has been a problem for so long and is only now being majorly addressed! However, I believe this article has more to do with how Spacey tried to cover himself up by announcing himself as a Gay man. The fact that he is gay is no problem, but by using it as an excuse he has put a label on the whole community. He needs to apologize (again) and clarify that his sexual orientation has NOTHING to do with his terrible actions in the past.
Lazio aginst anti-semitism- Ashley Neece

The Italian football team during warmups before their game wore shirts with Anne Frank on them. They also read the passage from her diary. This was the protest to end anti-semitism. Ruth Dureghello, head of Romes Jewish Community, tweeted "This isn't the terraces, this isn't soccer, this isn't the sport. Kick anti-Semitism out of the stadiums." They also stated that this was also fighting to end not just anti-semitism but racism as a whole.
This shows a strong form of peaceful protest that reached many people. This kind of protesting and sharing of ideas is a lot like the reformation movements of the Annabella age.
Are Stronger Regulations for Halloween Needed? | Chloe Villa-Abrille
Halloween has always been a fun and festive holiday for many, but there are always risks to be considered when participating. This year Salem is following strict steps in order to keep its citizens safe and out of potential danger by increasing the cities security. Over 200 police officers surround Salem square to aid citizens and some were even put into disguise. The city also sent out warnings the real or fake weapons would not be tolerated and could be confiscated if seen or are being used in an inappropriate or dangerous manor. Police will also search attendants bags for weapons, any harmful, or prohibited items, also people will enter at rotations of 100 guest to prevent crowding and confusion. So far the mayor’s and resident’s of Salems main concern is the safety of their guest, and prompt other cities to follow in their footsteps
Written by the CBS Boston post, this post was meant to bring a topical situation in to view with recent violent attacks happening in America. The Las Vegas attack was actually a reason Salem invoked such strict rules. While these rules are strict and tedious they do keep the general public safe from harm. Part of me agrees with the need to have these rules in place, especially if it means saving and protecting lives.
Aeva Ramirez- Trumps Transgender Military Ban
President Donald Trump announced in a tweet that he plans to ban transgender people from serving in the military. He tweeted that their service entailed "tremendous medical costs and disruption." Many people were enraged by this claim and took action. Two LGBTQ-rights organizations filed a lawsuit in federal court on behalf of five transgender service members who have about 60 year of military service combined. The American Civil Liberties Union recently announced to the White House they intend to sue aswell and is preparing the paper work. So far the outcome does not seem to favor Trump.
Are you kidding me! The ability to fight for one's country is a basic right that belongs to every individual. And to take away that right is unconstitutional. We were a nation of such social progress which was achieved by our sense of equality and our mindfulness of the many different views that makes up America. We can only make that progress by moving forward, not clinging to the prejudices of the past.
Are you kidding me! The ability to fight for one's country is a basic right that belongs to every individual. And to take away that right is unconstitutional. We were a nation of such social progress which was achieved by our sense of equality and our mindfulness of the many different views that makes up America. We can only make that progress by moving forward, not clinging to the prejudices of the past.
Bernie Sanders calls NY mayor antidote to TRump's 'ugly' leadership- Taylor Knighton
Sanders, the Vermont U.S. senator who stocked liberal passions across the nation as a Democratic candidate in last year's presidential contest, stepped into New York politics for a day on Monday, tossing the first-term Mayor Bill de Blasio as the antidote to the ''un-American'' leadership of the President Trump. Everything that de Blasio is trying to do is ''the opposite'' of what Trump is to do, Sanders declared at a de Blasio campaign rally in Manhattan."Trump, in an extremely un-American, ugly and almost unprecedented way, unprecedented way, is trying to divide us up, based on the color of our skin or our religion, or the country we came from or our sexual orientation," Sanders said. "And this mayor is leading this city in a way to bring us together."
I liked how Sanders gave his opinion and he made some very good points. If we want to spark social change, we have to be the one's to do it.
I liked how Sanders gave his opinion and he made some very good points. If we want to spark social change, we have to be the one's to do it.
Chloe Leal - Doomsday Postponed for Third Time: Will the World Ever End? - Newsweek
Doomsday Postponed for Third Time: Will the World Ever End? - Newsweek
Conspiracy theorist David Meade made the prediction that the world would end in a collision with a planet called Nibiru on September 23. When September came and went, doomsday was rescheduled to October 15. I don't know if you've checked the date, but tomorrow is Halloween. Now, a conspiracy website which is associated with Meade predicts a series of cataclysmic earthquakes will begin on November 19.
This article was written by Tufayel Ahmed and is written in pretty good humor because, at least certainly when worded as so, rescheduling the end of the world appears to be a pretty funny concept. People from every culture ever have tried to predict the end of the world and all have their own justifications for their predictions. In the Antebellum Period, a group of Christians called Millerites or Adventists believed that Christ would return on October 22, 1844. When said date passed, the religion still went on. I think it's a fairly humorous thing for people to obsess about. It's just like everything else in which everything thinks they are right and others are wrong.
Conspiracy theorist David Meade made the prediction that the world would end in a collision with a planet called Nibiru on September 23. When September came and went, doomsday was rescheduled to October 15. I don't know if you've checked the date, but tomorrow is Halloween. Now, a conspiracy website which is associated with Meade predicts a series of cataclysmic earthquakes will begin on November 19.
This article was written by Tufayel Ahmed and is written in pretty good humor because, at least certainly when worded as so, rescheduling the end of the world appears to be a pretty funny concept. People from every culture ever have tried to predict the end of the world and all have their own justifications for their predictions. In the Antebellum Period, a group of Christians called Millerites or Adventists believed that Christ would return on October 22, 1844. When said date passed, the religion still went on. I think it's a fairly humorous thing for people to obsess about. It's just like everything else in which everything thinks they are right and others are wrong.
Carsyn Gekas 10/31/17
Fierce winds ad rain hit New York on Sandy anniversary
Five years ago hurricane Sandy brought lots of damage and devastation to many areas and communities. There happened to be another tropical storm (Philippe) that moved across the northeast on the anniversary of Sandy. It was not even close to as big and damaging as Sandy, however it did have very strong winds and heavy rain. This left many families without power due to the destruction of many power lines. Philippe wasn't ever predicted to become a hurricane, however they did expect about 4-6 inches of rain across the northeast and 10 inches and certain areas.
When hurricane Sandy hit it was devastating, and to think another tropical storm hit the same day is crazy. After Sandy, everyone seemed to come together and help each other out. It was for sure teamwork. It was a prime example of what should happen after families had lost everything. Philippe was a huge reminder of what happened during and after Sandy. No one should ever take what they have for granted because you never know when you could loose it all like some people did in Sandy.
Madsen dismembers body, but denies murder -Victoria Bruno
Kim wall, a Danish journalist, was found dead and dismembered with her limbs littered at sea. The suspect of who murdered her is 46 year old Peter Madsen. Kim wall was with him on his private submarine and that is the last place she was ever seen alive. He admits to chopping of her limbs, but he says he did not kill her. Apparently, he claims that she died to carbon monoxide poisoning and then he decided to take matters into his own hands.
Why would someone dismember a human being just because they died? This just doesn't add up and either way he deliberately tried to hide her body away from the police. I strongly see him guilty in some way or form.
In 1986 a similar death has happened to the unsolved murder of Japanese tourist Kazuko Toyonaga. Her limbs were scattered around Copenhagen bay and Christianshavn canal, but it still remains unclear as to who committed this crime.
Kim wall, a Danish journalist, was found dead and dismembered with her limbs littered at sea. The suspect of who murdered her is 46 year old Peter Madsen. Kim wall was with him on his private submarine and that is the last place she was ever seen alive. He admits to chopping of her limbs, but he says he did not kill her. Apparently, he claims that she died to carbon monoxide poisoning and then he decided to take matters into his own hands.
Why would someone dismember a human being just because they died? This just doesn't add up and either way he deliberately tried to hide her body away from the police. I strongly see him guilty in some way or form.
In 1986 a similar death has happened to the unsolved murder of Japanese tourist Kazuko Toyonaga. Her limbs were scattered around Copenhagen bay and Christianshavn canal, but it still remains unclear as to who committed this crime.
Addiction | Mica Stout
Erika Hunt has been struggling with addiction almost her whole life. Parked at a dollar store in Indiana, Hunt was ready to "shoot up Heroin." She doesn't remember much of what happened that day, but luckily a customer found her and called 911. With her 10-month-old in the back seat she didn't think much of it except that he wasn't old enough to understand. If no one was to find her, she would've woken up, driven away, and probably killed someone and their child in a car crash. She was later sentenced to six months of rehab, after needing two doses of Narcan to reverse the overdose.
It reminds me of Tolerance back in the Antebellum Age and how women were repulsed by the fact that these men would drink their life away everyday and not think much of it.
This is a touchy subject for me personally, there are tons of teenagers my age that already use certain drugs that could produce lifelong bad effects. I think UNLESS somebody needs ___ drug for medical purposes, there's no excuse to use it. There's so much to love about life, you use a drug one day and you're fine, then next you could die. I'm a strong believer in doing what's right, and even if I didn't know someone, no matter what they've done bad in their life/who they've hurt, they deserve good. Everyone deserves good.
It reminds me of Tolerance back in the Antebellum Age and how women were repulsed by the fact that these men would drink their life away everyday and not think much of it.
This is a touchy subject for me personally, there are tons of teenagers my age that already use certain drugs that could produce lifelong bad effects. I think UNLESS somebody needs ___ drug for medical purposes, there's no excuse to use it. There's so much to love about life, you use a drug one day and you're fine, then next you could die. I'm a strong believer in doing what's right, and even if I didn't know someone, no matter what they've done bad in their life/who they've hurt, they deserve good. Everyone deserves good.
Kendall, Johnson
4-Year-Old Girl Found Wandering in Plano
Four-year-old Kimber, from Plano, TX, was found wondering the streets early Monday morning. Police reports say "Kimber and her older sister [had been staying] with their grandfather, but the four-year-old, had some how gotten out." Kimber was found at 5 am, meaning that she had been wandering the streets for several hours without her grandfather noticing. CPS is looking into the case and then safety of the kids.
The author of this article is conveying the idea of neglect. The grandfather could represent King George III during salutary neglect. He pays so little attention to the young girl that he doesn't even notice that she has been on her own, away from home for hours. The child, on the other hand, represents the colonies in America during salutary neglect, because she is forced to be independent and learn on her own.


Manon McCollum - Former Trump Aides Charged as Prosecutors Reveal New Campaign Ties With Russia
Today, special council Robert Muller revealed that former Trump aide George Papadopoulos plead guilty to lying to the FBI, possibly implicating the President in Russian efforts to influence the US election.
These claims have dogged the Trump administration since before inauguration day, and, now that the results of the special investigation are coming out, they might cause real consequences for the administration.
The fact that these millionaires quite probably used their wealth to influence the US election, while not surprising, is deeply disappointing, and only adds to my, and the nation's, growing distrust in our government.
A similar situation happened with the corrupt bargain of 1824, where Henry Clay struck a deal with John Quincy Adams to get Adams elected president. At least, in that situation, no one was consulting with a foreign government to disrupt the stability of the Union.
All I know is, with all of these changes and cracks beginning to show in our democracy, another shoe has got to drop eventually.
Today, special council Robert Muller revealed that former Trump aide George Papadopoulos plead guilty to lying to the FBI, possibly implicating the President in Russian efforts to influence the US election.
These claims have dogged the Trump administration since before inauguration day, and, now that the results of the special investigation are coming out, they might cause real consequences for the administration.
The fact that these millionaires quite probably used their wealth to influence the US election, while not surprising, is deeply disappointing, and only adds to my, and the nation's, growing distrust in our government.
A similar situation happened with the corrupt bargain of 1824, where Henry Clay struck a deal with John Quincy Adams to get Adams elected president. At least, in that situation, no one was consulting with a foreign government to disrupt the stability of the Union.
All I know is, with all of these changes and cracks beginning to show in our democracy, another shoe has got to drop eventually.
Ellie Bush- current event
A 12 year old boy who police said jumped off a highway overpass in an attempted suicide took the life of a young woman instead. Marisa Harris, 22, was headed on interstate 66 around 4;15 pm when the boy came crashing down onto her car. Harris was killed buy her 23-year-old passenger and the 12 year old boy both survived. The incident is being investigated as an attempted suicide. Based on the investigation, the impact incapacitated the vehicle's driver. The 12 year old boy was rushed to the hospital with life threatening injuries and hasn't been identified. The state police confirmed that the front seat passenger was not injured. Harris' uncle stated that her boyfriend was in shock as a result of the accident, and devastated her father as well.
This is very sad because it just shows how precious your life is and how you never know when something so sudden like that could happen. this article was probably written to remind people of that. It is also very sad how a 12 year old boy would try to commit suicide at such a young age. No one that young or anyone at all should have to feel like that.
This is very sad because it just shows how precious your life is and how you never know when something so sudden like that could happen. this article was probably written to remind people of that. It is also very sad how a 12 year old boy would try to commit suicide at such a young age. No one that young or anyone at all should have to feel like that.
mystery object in the solar system // Trevor Turnbow
Astronomers found a small moving comet type thing, that flung through our solar system and doesn't behave like any of the space rocks found in our solar system. Scientists say that they have been waiting for this day for years. on October 19 A/2017 U1 was spotted in our solar system from Hawaii. It's orbit defies any of the usual orbits found in the solar system, it passed through quickly and seems to be on the way to the constellation Pegasus. This is one of the first interstellar comets to be recorded.
This is really cool to read. Hearing about what's beyond the solar system is always such a taboo topic. We have around 0% information on what' out there so every little shred we get is infinitely interesting. The last time major discoveries have been made in space it was a competition as to who could get out there first, during the cold war. This time around there hasn't been that kind of vibe.
Astronomers found a small moving comet type thing, that flung through our solar system and doesn't behave like any of the space rocks found in our solar system. Scientists say that they have been waiting for this day for years. on October 19 A/2017 U1 was spotted in our solar system from Hawaii. It's orbit defies any of the usual orbits found in the solar system, it passed through quickly and seems to be on the way to the constellation Pegasus. This is one of the first interstellar comets to be recorded.
This is really cool to read. Hearing about what's beyond the solar system is always such a taboo topic. We have around 0% information on what' out there so every little shred we get is infinitely interesting. The last time major discoveries have been made in space it was a competition as to who could get out there first, during the cold war. This time around there hasn't been that kind of vibe.
Jordan Jimenez - Kevin Spacey's Harassment Scandal
Kevin Spacey, a two time Oscar winner from the Netflix series "House of Cards", has been in the spotlight because of a claim made by actor Anthony Rapp, that Spacey had sexually harassed him when he was just 14. Rapp had told Buzzfeed that Spacey, who was 26 at the time of the encounter, had "pushed him down on a bed during a party in 1986 and climbed on top of him." Spacey then took to twitter and apologized for his behavior and for the way he made Rapp feel.
I think it's disgusting, yet unsurprising, that something like this has happened and has been hidden until recently. There's so many terrible people within the entertainment industry that sexually assault and harass women, children, and others, and their gross actions are just swept under the rug. I think it's great that Rapp spoke about his experience that way Spacey wouldn't get away with what he did. There's too many instances where people are assaulted, but are too scared to speak out because of the consequences that could follow. People now more than ever need to start telling their stories and calling out these creepers and people in a position of power need to figure out a way to get these terrible situations to stop.
I think it's disgusting, yet unsurprising, that something like this has happened and has been hidden until recently. There's so many terrible people within the entertainment industry that sexually assault and harass women, children, and others, and their gross actions are just swept under the rug. I think it's great that Rapp spoke about his experience that way Spacey wouldn't get away with what he did. There's too many instances where people are assaulted, but are too scared to speak out because of the consequences that could follow. People now more than ever need to start telling their stories and calling out these creepers and people in a position of power need to figure out a way to get these terrible situations to stop.
Larsen Nichols- federal judge blocks trump's transgender ban
Synthesis: This article is similar to the court case of Marbury v. Madison, where a supreme court judge gained the power to veto a low based on constitutionality. That is exactly what happened here.
In July, Trump promised to ban transgender people from serving in the military. In August, he signed a memorandum instructing the military not to accept transgender recruits and to stop all funding of sex-reassignment surgeries. Luckily, supreme court judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly has halted the ban for now.
This article was written at NBC News by Reuters at 2:30 today. Before reading this article, I knew Trump had issued the ban, but I wasn't sure if it was being enforced or not. Because I didn’t know this before, I have a higher appreciation of this judge’s actions. The main idea of this article is that someone has put a stop, even if it may be temporary, to Trump's transgender military ban. I imagine it has a positive effect on its audience; it certainly had a positive effect on me. I’m incredibly happy that this judge has taken a stand and put a stop to this, because it’s everyone’s constitutional right to serve their country.
Synthesis: This article is similar to the court case of Marbury v. Madison, where a supreme court judge gained the power to veto a low based on constitutionality. That is exactly what happened here.
Teenage girl dies of burn injuries from California - Taylor Knighton
A young teenage girl sadly died in the hospital three weeks later due to severe burns from a California wildfire in Mendocino County, California raising the number of those who sadly lost their lives to the state's wildfires this month to 43. The young woman who sadly lost her life is Kressa Shepard,17, she died Sunday night at a Sacramento Hospital. Sadly her young 14-year-old brother died due to the fire as well and her parents were severely burned but they are still alive.
This breaks my heart into a thousand pieces because these people in California are losing their life to the terrible wildfires. We need to figure out how to prevent and stop these from occurring. This relates to U.S history because wildfires have been happening for a while and taking precious lives as well as these recent ones.
This breaks my heart into a thousand pieces because these people in California are losing their life to the terrible wildfires. We need to figure out how to prevent and stop these from occurring. This relates to U.S history because wildfires have been happening for a while and taking precious lives as well as these recent ones.
mariafernanda gonzalez
Judge blocks enforcement of transgender military ban
On July 26, 2017 president Trump tweeted that he was suspending all militia that was transgender and not welcoming new members that were also transgender. Today Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly put a partial ban on the action. Trumps cabinet claims that the ban was not ready to get legalized and plan on resubmitting the ban on later date "when its ready".
First off I want to mention our unalienable rights as american citizens which life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If being transgender provides a person with their pursuit of happiness nobody should intervene because thats their right. Second becoming part of the American militia is such an honorable decision and an act of bravery. Both men and women are capable of carrying out the job needed. Risking your life for your country regardless of sexuality shouldn't be restricted to only those who carry out the gender they were born with. I believe we should all respect what makes someone happy especially when they are serving our country.
Trump's Policies Threaten Scientific Discoveries
Myah Hasbany
1st Period
Dozens of discoveries have been made in the past few years in Grand Staircase Escalante, Utah. But the Trump administration is threatening to shrink the national park, and open it up to coal mining, oil drilling and mineral extracting. He is doing this in hopes of reviving the dying coal industry, with many doubts from the masses. Other environmental groups are ready to file lawsuits, as Trump has threatened to shrink the size of nine other monuments. No boundary changes have been announced yet. Grand Staircase Escalante is unique however, because of the important scientific discoveries being made there. Discoveries of extinct crocodiles, birds, lizards, turtles and frogs have been made that died over 66 million years ago. New discoveries are creating questions about global warming, and how animals survived in a hotter climate with carbon dioxide dense air. Many of the discoveries have been placed in the Natural History Museum of Utah, and help educate people every day. Protestors of the monument say that it's size limits public access to wilderness, limits cattle grazing and hurts the economy by stopping the extraction of energy and minerals. However, if the monument was used for mining and mineral extraction, it would be extremely harmful to the environment, and take away the possibility "to push the boundaries of human knowledge" by destroying fossils. Most people don't understand the significance of the discoveries, and don't care of science is jeopardized if money is gained.
This article is important because it brings to light the type of policies our current president is trying to be passed. It helps inform people about how the environment is being jeopardized, and will hopefully inspire people to protest against it. This article has a slight bias, but in a positive way. This situation reminds me of the nuclear tests preformed on small villages in the world war two era.
Lane Ford
"Roger Stone Suspended From Twitter After Expletive-Laden Tweets"
On Saturday, Trump adviser Roger Stone took to Twitter to go on a expletive-filled rant against news anchor Don Lemon and other CNN commentators, prompted by Lemon's tweet concerning the Mueller investigation and how the very first charges have been filed. As a result of this tirade, the social media corporation decided to suspend his account for multiple hours. Later that day, it was further revealed that his account wasn't only suspended but furthermore, banned permanently. While in normal circumstances, I would be for free speech, this isn't a normal circumstance. The rant Stone went on was full of vitriol and hatred and wasn't the place for that kind of inappropriate behavior. I personally agree with Twitter's choice to remove Stone from Twitter as he has shown this kind of behavior, time and time again.
"Roger Stone Suspended From Twitter After Expletive-Laden Tweets"
On Saturday, Trump adviser Roger Stone took to Twitter to go on a expletive-filled rant against news anchor Don Lemon and other CNN commentators, prompted by Lemon's tweet concerning the Mueller investigation and how the very first charges have been filed. As a result of this tirade, the social media corporation decided to suspend his account for multiple hours. Later that day, it was further revealed that his account wasn't only suspended but furthermore, banned permanently. While in normal circumstances, I would be for free speech, this isn't a normal circumstance. The rant Stone went on was full of vitriol and hatred and wasn't the place for that kind of inappropriate behavior. I personally agree with Twitter's choice to remove Stone from Twitter as he has shown this kind of behavior, time and time again.
Greer Leonard
APUSH 8th period
Summary: Puerto Rico faces a growth in a dead bacteria called leptospirosis; which causes headaches, aches, and in severe cases bleeding in the lungs and jaundice. This newly introduced bacteria has been spread throughout the island as a side effect of hurricane Maria's destruction
Analysis: Poor Puerto Rico! If multiple category 3-5 hurricanes weren't enough, now they have to deal with potentially fatal diseases. Jeez mother nature give the Puerto Ricans a break!
APUSH 8th period
Summary: Puerto Rico faces a growth in a dead bacteria called leptospirosis; which causes headaches, aches, and in severe cases bleeding in the lungs and jaundice. This newly introduced bacteria has been spread throughout the island as a side effect of hurricane Maria's destruction
Analysis: Poor Puerto Rico! If multiple category 3-5 hurricanes weren't enough, now they have to deal with potentially fatal diseases. Jeez mother nature give the Puerto Ricans a break!
Estrella 1
October 1st, 2017 was when the deadliest mass shooting in US history occurred. Stephen Paddock began shooting into a Las Vegas country music festival, injuring over 500 and killing 58. Even after this occurrence the US congress is progressing with a measure that makes gun silencers more available to gun owners. Yet the government still refuses to put in place strict gun control laws to decrease the amount of mass shootings.
This relates to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, regarding the second amendment. In my opinion we need more gun control laws, I think people confuse this as taking away guns and immediately go straight to their rights. Or "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun". Well, that isn't exactly true, that only works in some circumstances.
October 1st, 2017 was when the deadliest mass shooting in US history occurred. Stephen Paddock began shooting into a Las Vegas country music festival, injuring over 500 and killing 58. Even after this occurrence the US congress is progressing with a measure that makes gun silencers more available to gun owners. Yet the government still refuses to put in place strict gun control laws to decrease the amount of mass shootings.
This relates to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, regarding the second amendment. In my opinion we need more gun control laws, I think people confuse this as taking away guns and immediately go straight to their rights. Or "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun". Well, that isn't exactly true, that only works in some circumstances.
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