Monday, April 17, 2017

Mikenzie Moon, "There's a new world's oldest women"

Summary: The record has just been broken for the world'd oldest human. Violet-Mosse Brown just turned 117 years old march 10th. She is Jamacian and says, "I eat everything, except pork and chicken, and I don't drink rum and them things." She has been a music teacher and church organist for over 80 years. Now her job is to be a record keeper at her local cemetery. She is still active and working. Many important events went on through her life, both world wars, electricity invented, and Jamaica becoming a country.

Analysis/synthesis: I found this very interesting and inspirational. I would love to live that long and be actively moving, Violet seems to have a long life ahead. It would be interesting to see how its possible to live this long. In American history at the begining before the revolutionary war and around that time people died very early. Forty could be considered an old age. Luckily through more sanitary conditions and medical advances the age has grown.


  1. It is sad that the 117 year old woman died because she was the last person on earth that was born in the 1800s!

  2. JADA BROWN- This is so inspiring and I'm so glad that she is still enjoying life. I'm surprised that she is still up and running the way she is, but it makes me smile. I want to be working and energized such as she when I become that age; if I am lucky enough.

  3. This is super cool!! She was alive before electricity wow.

  4. i did my blog about this too! cant believe someone lived that long and so full of life!

  5. I did my blog about this as well and I think it is so sad that the last known woman from the 1800s died, but I love hearing what they have to say about their livestyles.
