Saturday, April 22, 2017

Kennedy Waterman - Judge Clears Way for Police Body Cameras in New York

On Friday, federal judge Analisa Torres denied a request by civil lawyers to halt the plan for New York City police officers to begin wearing body cameras. Because of this order, the plan will go through and will begin next week. The program was ordered back in 2013 by another federal judge, but it has been delayed for 4 years. The goal of the body cameras is to promote police accountability and transparency. They will also hopefully help protect against police brutality.

The article was posted April 21st, the day that the order went through. I hadn't heard anything about this program before, and I think it's a great idea! If a police officer knows they are constantly being filmed, they're less likely to act in unneeded aggressive manners. The article was written for the general public, but specifically New York City residents. I think it's very important because police brutality has become a major issue in the U.S. I really hope these cameras lower the chances of brutality and even spread to the rest of the country. This can be related to the creation of checks and balances in the Constitution in 1787. Checks and balances ensure that no one can have too much political power. Cameras on police officers ensures that they don't do whatever they want just because they are in a position of power.


  1. It would be great if these were successful in lessening the rates of police brutality.

  2. It would be amazing if this would lessen police brutality, and I loved your synthesis.

  3. If you're going to have people going around with guns to try and keep order, why not make sure they aren't abusing their power?

  4. I hope this will be successful in order to fulfill the intentions of decreasing police brutality!
