Current Events Blog for Mrs. Countryman's AP United States History class at Booker T Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Dallas, Texas.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Jury Selection For Freddie Gray's Trial --Madeleine Norton, 4th period
All seventy-five of the jurors questioned had heard of the incident, several members having family who were also in law enforcement. Many expressed deep emotions for the case, and others gave indications of having been charged/in jail or victimized in a crime. These seventy-five will be dismissed and replaced by a new set of seventy-five jurors soon-to-be-interviewed tomorrow.
In accordance to the officer and his crimes, Fox News stated today "William Porter is one of six officers charged in the death of Gray, a 25-year-old black man who died April 19 of a severe spinal injury he suffered while in police custody. Porter, who is also black, is accused of failing to get medical help for Gray during several stops made by the police van that carried Gray on a 45-minute trip. At the end, officers found Gray unresponsive. He was taken to a hospital and died a week later."
Although not mentioned until later in the article, many homicides and violent riots had a occurred a while after Gray's death, and it seems to have definitely spiked the crime rate up a large percentage. This and the amendment centering around right to a fair and speedy trial (#6) deeply connect, and it shows that our government still upholds important parts of our constitution, even if modern-day members of law enforcement question and retaliate against these freedoms/unalienable rights/constitutional values.
Article in further detail here:
Kiyanna Elliott Meet the 15-year-old kid who's suing Obama over climate change
Analysis: I think Obama is handling this very well. From reading the article, the lawsuit was created to bring to the issue of climate change to the top of the government's priorities. Part of the job of protecting the citizens of the U.S. is to protect their well being and focusing on climate change is one of the most prevalent issues today that need to addressed and taken care of to accomplish this. If there was a cleaner ways to do things, I would hope the government would see to it that the measures to enact theses ways would be important enough to make happen.
The Effects of Blackface - Michaela Molden - 5th Period
Blackface, in American history, was practically centered in racism. Minstrels were little shows put on where the African American people were depicted by white men in black makeup, as happy and dumb all of the time. The show were demeaning and wildly racist. Worse yet, the shows became massively popular and were know throughout the country for a long while. Nowadays, blackface is strongly frowned upon, and roles that were previously played by white people in black face, such as Othello, are played by black people.
Streisand calls Trump "terrifyingly scary" - Ari Robinson, 3rd period
Summary: Last Tuesday, while recieving the Medal of Freedom, Barbara Streishand spoke about how dignfied President Obama is, and how she couldn't imagine Donald Trump in that position. She went so far as to say it would be funny, but scary. She said she probably would've choked. She also remarked that a Clinton-Trump race would be one of the biggest moments in television history, but that she wasn't worried about Clinton.
Analysis: The number of celebrities vocally against Trump is many and growing. However, they seem to have no bearing on the polls, as Trump is still doing well. Streishand's comments were no surprise, as she is an avid supporter of both Clinton and Obama.
Donald Trump denies mocking disabled reporter Jasmine Rodriguez Period 4
This is similar to the black face plays put on by white settlers during colonial times. The white settles would paint their face and bodies with black paint, and put on comedy shows mocking African Americans. Although they were fully aware of their mockery (unlike Donald Trump, who claims to have not been aware), the situations itself were similar. Both were making fun of someone they saw as subordinate to them in some way because of a physical feature. Black face was a direct form of discrimination, and one of the earliest prominent examples seen in history.
refugee crisis - julie shilling p.4
Reagan Rees Period 5
Some may blame gun laws, or other governmental issues. However, the problem lies in people's views on planned parenthood. If people became more open minded and accepting of others views, a lot of the hurt and damage in the world would likely begin to fade.
Abby Walker 8th period
This article includes an analysis of the city of Baoding, China, the most polluted city in the world. The city is covered by smog and on a bad day people cannot see the building directly next to them. They are discussing ways on how to stop it from spreading and putting an overall stop to the pollution there. The smog is thick enough to see and can burn your eyes.
This really makes me think about the things we take for granted. Everyday we can look out the school windows and see a nice blue sky but the kids in Baoding see a gray one. And just opening our eyes in public we take for granted! The smog there can burn your eyes! I knew that a city's pollution could get to that point but I never knew how serious it really was. George Washington warned us about using our natural resources in harmful ways. It's a shame how little we listen to him.
15 Year Old Sues Obama for Climate Change // Uriel Cruz, Period 6
Xiuhtezcatl and Hansen and the other 20 young activists have a good case here. If the world doesn't stop using fossil fuels, the entire planet could be in terrible danger. Ever since the Industrialization of Britain and America, the skies have been filled up with polluting clouds of waste. All of these nonrenewable resources being exploited for money for over a century and a half. These activists are trying to stop what our forefathers started, and save the world if you will. America's lack of motive in taking a step forward into a less polluted world is very upsetting. I hope this is a wake up call to America, and the rest of the world as well.
Video and about Xiuh //
Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood Shootings-Molly Mitchell 5th
The recent shooting at a Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs reportedly resulted in 3 deaths, one of which was Iraq veteran Ke'Arre Stewart. Apparently, only minutes before the shooting Stewart learned that his wife was pregnant with his third child. According to reports his military training kicked in and he was able to save many lives before his own was taken. The other victims, Officer Garrett Swasey and Jennifer Markovsky, both were parents and married.
The shootings at planned parenthood were truly nothing more than a horrible disaster, and the shooter is to blame. The fact that he could just walk into a place and kill three people is terrifying, and although it may say that we have a right to bear arms in the constitution, I'm pretty tired of hearing about these tragedies and having no improvement to show.
Threatened shooting on school campus - Reece Clark 6th
Although the man was arrested, his posts do raise caution and suspicion on issues of police brutality, gun violence, and campus security. Much must be taken into consideration.
Teen taking a stand for climate change -Bethany Wolfe 3rd
Xiuhtezcatl Tonatiuh is one of 21 young activists suing Obama for failing to ban fossil fuels. He claims to be part of the "generation with the most to lose". Obama responded to this case by defending Tonatiuh and promising to increase solar and wind power even more. However, Tonatiuh wasn't totally convinced. Because America is the world's 2nd largest emitter, Obama can't just make pledges and promises. He said that we need to forsake fossil fuels completely.
It's awesome that so many young adults are so invested in the environment and its repercussions. I'm inclined to agree that many of Obama's promises are more or less empty and we need to focus on concrete actions to impact the rate of change. Similar to the slavery reform during the Civil War, we should take responsibility for our actions in order to stay united with the world. Abolitionists, unlike politicians, weren't selfish in their efforts but wanted to create a better future for everyone.In the same way, decreasing or even eliminate fossil fuels will benefit our future.
Hillary Clinton emails released Paul Radke (5th)
Analysis- there has been a lot of controversy over Hillary Clinton' emails and what she is sending in them. to have the first woman president of the united states be sending this kind of stuff on her email would be a problem. people have yet to analyze these 7,800 pages of emails but hopefully this does not affect her as a candidate for president.
I Dead in Atlanta Police Shooting-Nicholas Watson, 9th
On person was killed in a Atlanta Police shooting on Monday night. It took place shortly before 8 o'clock on Ted Turner Blvd. outside Aloft Hotel. According to WXIA one person was killed, but no officer was injured. The hotel also says that the victim was not any guest or staff of the hotel, but that the incident happened to take place near the hotel.
Honestly these types of news stories are becoming like an every day deal. I just feel like as long as there are police shootings being intentionally broadcasted in the news, even if it was a justified shooting, I feel like it will continue to generate and create a justification for ill-willed feelings from civilians for Police. To me people are starting to believe more and more that any Police shooting that occurs is always going to be unjustified. Although I don't feel like all Police should be blamed for being given a bad name, but I do see why those few incidents that do happen to be un justified can create these hatred feelings towards the law. I feel like there is no reverse for these feelings, but that the only way Police may contain some type of respect, that they are staying true and upholding the law, is that they make sure that everything they do is to protect the law without using intentional deadly force against people. This relates to history when, for example, the shooting of M. Brown created deep hate for cops, although that particular cop may have been in the wrong, I can see why its is frustrating to other Police that are doing the right things , to get frustrated at these mistakes and actions that are mad by these other, questionable cops. \
"Human and Animal Cruelty" -Aleah Washington 1st period
The choices we make can label us negatively if we aren't careful. She now has to go to court to deal with animal cruelty charges. Despite her saying she loves her dog and her taking care of him for all these years, she is looked at as a harmful person to dogs. This teaches us that we should think before we do something and we should decide what pictures are appropriate to take especially if we are planning on posting it online.
Meet the 15-year-old kid who's suing Obama over climate change - Lia Kerkman 6
Obviously you cannot deny that global warming is happening and has the potential to be a huge issue in the future. I applaud Obama for admitting to all the problems actually going on. I guess its good that all of these people are standing up for a good cause and at such a young age too. Weather he is telling the truth will show in the future if he takes any further actions.
Cassidy Jones Reports on "Dear Basketball"
Threat causes man to be jailed By: Emma Wall
The article above discusses the major threat that was directed at the University of Chicago. This threat basically stated that the man would show up to the school at 10:00 am with fully loaded weapons and kill 16 white boys and staff along with many policemen. It is inferred that he set out to do this for revenge of the death of Laquan Mcdonald. He was later arrested for the threat.
This is terrifying. I can't even imagine how scary it must be for those living on the campus. I think that it is good that they evacuated the campus and had FBI outside investigating. It is good to see that people are taking more caution. I can connect this to the Civil War because the south was warned not to secede from the north but they did anyway and it started the Civil War. In this case the threat was actually taken and people listened and took caution. The Civil War might have been avoided if the south wouldn't have taken their threat lightly.
Erin McElhone 3rd Period: Millennials Of Color Can't Get Ahead, why?
Morgan T. Smith Period 4 Black religious leaders criticize Trump group
Black religious leaders criticize Trump group
By Morgan T. Smith
Summary: On Monday, Donald Trump met with more than 100 black pastors in a two and a half hour meeting in New York City and dismissing criticism from some of the black community that he is a espousing racist rhetoric.
"This meeting was amazing. Amazing people," Trump said. "The meeting went so much longer, and it went longer only because of the love. It didn't go longer for other reasons."
Victoria Garza "Target and PayPal Sites Report Problems on Cyber Monday"
Some of the sites used on cyber monday experienced temporary failures caused by the overload of people using them. Foot Locker, Groupon, and Victoria's Secret were just some of the online stores that experienced these brief outages. On Monday, Target explained that they were experiencing their biggest glitch in response to a previously annouced 15% discount.
Black Friday shopping has been a major savings day for a large number of families and individuals. These days it is absolute chaos trying to shop for good deals. There are always insane stories stemming from trips to stores on Black Friday. With our increased use and developement of technology and the internet, it's only logical that we begin shifting our shopping to the online world. Online shopping is easier because you are able to avoid the chaos of the stores and shop in the comfort of your home. It is kind of ironic that we shifted to the online world to avoid the troubles of shopping in real life yet we are still facing problems and back ups caused by the amount of people wanting to save money. This could be similar to the California Gold Rush where large numbers of people migrated to California (the stores) in search of gold (good deals).
Police searching for mother of newborn baby found buried under asphalt
by Adrianna Martinez
A baby girl estimated to be four to five days old was found buried underneath asphalt and rubble. Two sisters walking along a popular walking path heard strange noises and called 911. The baby was rescued and is receiving treatment at an intensive care unit at an undisclosed hospital. Detective Jennifer Valenzuela is urging the mother to come forward, suggesting she could be a mother in trouble, and that there may be no criminal charges.
Tristan Spohn 3rd Period
Tajia Stroud (5th period): Equine Therapy~ Harnessing Horses to Conquer Mental Illness***
Finding a Newborn Buried Alive by Jack Higgins period 6
Friday afternoon, on a walking strip in Los Angeles, two sisters were taking a stroll together when they heard what they believed to be cries of a cat nearby. They followed the sound to it's source, finding that it was coming from beneath the ground. The sisters called 911 and let the operator listen to the cries, and as they were doing so, 2 officers were sent to the scene.
They discovered a newborn baby buried alive underneath the asphalt and gravel, which would have hardened overnight in the cold temperatures, easily killing the newborn.
The child was rescued from the rubble and immediately comforted by one of the officers, who happened to be a father himself, stopping the crying. The child is now at an unnamed Los Angeles county Hospital in Intensive Care, but as of now, it seems as though she's going to be alright. It is horrid to imagine this ever happening to anybody, being buried alive, much less a 4-day old infant. The mother (who is being searched for now) obviously needs a great deal of help, hopefully she will receive it and things such as this will begin to stop occurring.
Claudia Anthony "White House fence jumper sent for psychiatric examination"
Zoe Norton-Rodriguez-9th-Ghostly ships filled with dead bodies arrive on Japan's shores
Cue World War III // Kai Jones 1st period
These events are familiar to those leading up to previous world wars and with increased mobility and communication conflicts are more easy to arise. Political unrest is thriving across the globe and things are starting to get really ugly. World War II started when Germany invaded Poland. Now it is just a question of who will invade who first? Wishing I had a fallout shelter right about now.
Rising Rates Pose Challenge to Health Law by Caroline North 9th period
While the theory of the Affordable Care Act is quite noble, the money to be able to accommodate all types of patients must come from somewhere, and the solution is being solved by all customers paying higher rates, and/or the quality in service being compromised. I think although the act is frustrating to many Americans, just as in many other developed countries, quality health care should be a right to all United States citizens, not a privilege, and the Affordable Care Act is something worth investing in further to promote good health, and give every single person the opportunity to seek medical attention when necessary no matter what class they are.
LIncoln Anthony (8th Period)-"Waivers let thousands graduate from Texas high schools despite failed end-of-course exams"
So basically what this says is that the school system has allowed tons of ill-equipped students loose into our society to fend for themselves, though they will obviously fail because of the school system's allowance of this system. We are not living in the 1800's anymore. Everybody is entitled to a good education in order to prepare them for the world. I'm not saying that DISD prepares us for the world, but it's a lot better than just faking your way through high school. These students will be able to get jobs probably, but they will probably be completely useless in them.
Federal ends "to big to fail" system for loaning to banks by: Luis Ceja flex
(Zoe Roberts, 3rd Period) New clues in hunt for Nefertiti's tomb By: Slma Shelbayah
Analysis: It is always interesting when new information on mysteries that have been around for ages. It also brings about new ways of looking for clues in the future. As we expand our knowledge we expand our ways of learning and teaching. All of this amazes me. It makes me excited to watch and learn as more and more is discovered in regards to Nefertiti and her disappearance and death.
common Hillary! - Simon Waranch- 3rd period
In my opinion, These Hillary Clinton emails are not that bad... I guess the idea of a possible president sharing classified information over the internet is kinda scary though. Now a days fox news just wants to put Hillary down in some way so they just keep bringing up these emails. The fact of the matter is, all of the Presidential candidates are bad. That is the problem here.
Teen sues Obama over climate change - Kate Fehan 8th Period
Fed ends 'too big to fail' lending to collapsing banks- Erin O'Day
The dangers of the banking system have existed since our country's outset, and financial difficulty has always plagued us, such as the panic of 1857, or the Great Depression, where banks going bankrupt caused the biggest financial depression yet seen, or the recession that happened recently. In fact, it was economic strife in 2010 that spurred on a series of economic reforms, of which these restrictions are part of.
US running low on bombs -Carli Copell, Per.6
This article is explaining how America has already used 20,000 bombs on the middle eastern areas said to be containing ISIS members.
Synthesis: To me this is really worrying. Though our troops are doing everything in their power to keep us safe budget cuts and lack of materials is making that really hard for them to do. America has always been a top military power and we are known for saving other countries/ nations from hard times during many different wars. ant to think that we wont be able to fight our own war when it comes is worry some. This relates back to both World Wars here we saved many others from their problems and we might need them to save us from this one.
"Planned Parenthood Deals With Unplanned Shooter" Julia Plummer pd. 1
This week, a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs suffered a terrorist attack. The shooter, Robert Dear, killed three people and wounded nine. This man had previously been charged with nine criminal filings including personal intrusion, and animal cruelty. He lived in a secluded trailer with his wife, whom he also was allegedly violent towards. After the shootings, Dear held interviews with many sources, and he is quoted talking about "baby parts." This all ties into the argument that Planned Parenthood sells baby parts and should therefore be shut down. This claim is ridiculous because PP doesn't do that, and also because they provide so many other vital services besides abortion- including birth control and other reproductive services.
It's kind of like John Brown's Harper Ferry raid, except for the fact that his raid was against slavery (which is bad), and Robert Dear's terrorist act was against Planned Parenthood (which is good and helpful).
Texas and Syrian Refugees - Bernadette Negrete
Summary: This week a person has sent a letter to the Texas government threatening to sue. They believe that the fact that Texas is allowing Syrian refuges in to the state is wrong and is risking Texans safety. The person suing believes that it needs to stop and is trying to gather more people to advocate change .
Analysis: Syrian refugees have very hard time theses last few years with the ongoing war and its selfish to deny them freedom. There are many things Americans take for granted and for one of us to say no to the less fortunate is idiotic. this person is a moron. this reminds me of Dred Scott VS. Sandford due to the fact that this person is trying to deny a human being of rights they were born with.
Luz Lopez(4th period)- 8-year-old battling rare breast cancer
This article spoke out to me because a little girl has a rare breast cancer. Her family is probably worried sick about her health. It's god that the hospital is talking about plans on how to pay for the surgeries. This kinda reminded me during the times of the bombing in Vietnam during World War II. People who were affected by the bomb couldn't drink water or else they died. They had severe burns on their bodies.
Fighting Against ISIS Alexis Williams
The White House has announed its new plan to fight terrorism. Specifically ISIS. After the horrible attack in Paris that killed 130 people, the government has decided too tighten up on securityto make sure of America's safety. Specifically the visa wavier. The visa wavier makes it easier for immargants to enter the U.S. with minimal screening. This could be a way for terrorists to sneak into the U.S. very easily. Josh Earnest the Secretary of press says " We're cognizant that our global campaign to degrade and ultimatley destroy ISIS has a special residence in this city". The U.S. is very optimistic that America will be safe nd hopefully be protected by any terrorism.
This incedent connects to 9/11 which was the horrible day when terrorists crashed int the Twin Towers in New York. It was a very sad day in America and many lives were lost. That day Americ was scared and in panic not feeling very safe. Of course that day The White House decidede they needed to crack down on security. They wanted to prevent this kind of event from ever happening again. Terrorism is a big deal and I do belve that America is doing the best it can to protect us.\
Margaret King 1st- Parents Help Pay Their Children's Debt
This is not the only family in this situation. Thousands people suffer from college debt and are losing everything because they cannot get a job. I think it is terrible that society makes it so in order to get a job you have to go to college, they make the price to go to college outrageously expensive, and then after you finish it there is no guarantee of a job and you could end up doing all of that for nothing. Something needs to change.
To read the full article click here
Chicago Threat Closes University - Olivia Browne (Period 6)
A 21-year-old man was arrested Monday, accused of threatening to kill students and staff at the University of Chicago in an apparent attempt to avenge the death of Laquan McDonald, authorities said. Jabari Dean, 21 was arrested without incident. He is expected to appear in court later in the day.
According to a criminal complaint, Dean posted a threat on social media over the Thanksgiving weekend.
Sleepy Baby Pictures with Santa by Shelby Linker, 8th period
Desiree smith period 4 Mom who left her infant on side of road in car seat pleads guilty; will attend parenting class
They say a woman charged with leaving her weeks-old daughter on the side of a road has pleaded guilty. She was sentenced to time served and put on probation for five years. She must undergo drug and alcohol treatment and complete a parenting class. A resident found the 6-week-old child in a carrier just before midnight July 4 on the side of the road near her house. The baby was in good conditions. They said that after an argument with her boyfriend, she drove off without her boyfriend and the baby.
This was published November 30, 2015. It took place in Annapolis, Maryland. I already knew about mothers and father abandoning their children. This was written for parents and it has a negative effect on them because of the consequences of abandoning your child. This article was written to stop parents from treating their own child like this. Parents are supposed to protect their children from harm and danger but yet doing it themselfs. This is heartbreaking.
Adriana Hinojosa, 8th Period, Chicago Gang Kill 9 Yr. Old Boy
In Indiana, Raising the Bar Raises Questions About Special Education- Tori Gilchrist, 1st period
Kenley Turner 3rd period- Gun Violence Threat Closes University of Chicago Campus
Analysis: This is a modern phenomenon that schools are pretty recently having to deal with. The first school shooting is probably Columbine, and if it's not, then it is definitely the one that brought awareness to the school shooting issue. This took place in the 90's! That's not that long ago. Again, this is a fairly new problem. Because it is a new problem, people are still going through trial and error on how to deal with it. Is it the most efficient thing to do, is to just shut down the entire school over a threat? What we need to do is figure out how to solve the issue of spontaneous school shootings, because were not gonna get a warning every time.
Adriana Hinojosa 8th period, Abandoned Baby Found
Video of Chicago teen shot by police released over a year later By: Luis Ceja flex
Video and Article:
Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting: 3 dead, Suspect Captured - Angelica Fischer - 9th
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Layla Maynard: Deadly Storms Close to Home
Analysis: I find it interesting that I have heard very little about these incidents, especially ones so close to us. I am also surprised that, due to the multiple problems arising from these hazardous road conditions, there hasn't been some sort of program set up by our local government, news networks, or police stations to help drivers in the south get more accustomed to driving under new conditions.
Jumped the Fence -Julianne Swaykus 6
It is good that this man wanted to try and improve our economy, but, especially with all of the threats going on right now, he could've chosen a much better way to get his message across. It is said that his constitution contained "an expression of desire for change in various areas of society including education, the judiciary, voting rights and privileges" This reminds me of ideas such as the Anaconda Plan introduced by General Winfield Scott, but was vetoed by almost all Union Commanders. He tried to develop a different strategy to win the war without all of the violence but was shot down.
Emily Rosuck 4th - Planned Parenthood Shooting Creates Political Turmoil
My first thought is, how could anyone have the audacity to look into the faces of America and make such bold-faced lies? My second thought is, how could America be so stupid as to believe them? While I can't give you an answer to my first question, the answer to my second question is this, ignorance. The public simply doesn't know the truth behind what's actually going on in Planned Parenthood, it definitely isn't murdering fetuses. I got my first clue from the article picture of people protesting PP, and one of the signs being held says "STOP TAXPAYER FUNDING FOR PLANNED PARENTHOOD" immediately I know that this person believes anything they hear from whoever they deem credible, which obviously doesn't take much, because taxpayers don't fund PP. In fact, no part of PP is federally funded, not even administration of birth control or pap smears for women. The shooting that happened this week is atrocious and sheds light on the type of people who support the shut down of Planned Parenthood. Insolent, violent, ignorant, monstrous people.®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
More Security for Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade by Brenna Hale(6th Period)
I agree with mayor de Blasio, these events are wreaking "psychological warfare". People are afraid that with every small or large event that occurs a terrorist attack will accompany it, and that's exactly what these groups want to happen. But what these groups hadn't expected was the support and shoulders to lean on provided by other countries to France and everywhere else in other situations. In American history this reminds me of the institution of tighter security in airports after the 9/11 attacks. At the time everyone was afraid of getting on a flight, but over time tighter security helped to protect against terrorism. Now these groups are getting smarter, and going beyond tighter security might be the solution.
Carlos Joglar- An 18 Year Climate Difference
Thanksgiving eve was an eventful time for a plane ride, as described by passengers from the Sacramento airport. I say eventful in not such a jolly or happy way, because this event was the death of an entire flock of geese that hit one of the engines on the side of the plane. Passengers heard an array of sounds and explosions, and most hit their service buttons overhead in an attempt to understand what was happening. Some say that they could see bright golden explosions, and flashes of light as the plane's engine burst into flames. The plane was able to make it safely to the ground where passengers rescheduled their flights for Thanksgiving.
I am very upset and emotional about this because it just shows how much humans and nature are conflicting. Those geese weren't aiming for the engine and I know that the pilots weren't aiming for the geese, it was just an awful coincidence. And the fact of the matter is that it happens way too often, almost 13,000 times in the last year alone. With this many deaths occurring out of freakish situations along with hunting and natural deaths, it's no wonder why animals on Planet Earth are taking a major hit; or even becoming dangerously close to extinction. Something should be done on planes to sense these animals ahead of time in order to avoid this, and to take away one contributor to their death tolls.
Planned Parenthood Shooting; Lauren Bush; 9th
Planned Parenthood Shooting (Bella Di Fazio pd:8)
Many people believe that this is a "crime against women" because he is attacking them for receiving proper and necessary health care.
Recently, Obama released a statement about how a shootings like these happen way too often and in order to truly stop it from happen, there must be stricter gun control.
Planned Parenthood has had many unfortunate events happen to them. As something that is so necessary in providing safe and extremely helpful procedures that aren't just abortions. (Like STD testing, sex education, etc.) Even if people don't agree with abortion, they should at least educate themselves about how Planned Parenthood works. As for gun control, I do believe it should be much stricter but not entirely taken away.
Nicholas Godfrey Period 8: Newborn Baby Found Buried Under Asphalt
Analysis: No matter what the reason was, these parents burying their child is truly horrifying and I'm pretty sure almost anybody would agree with me. What was messed up that they couldn't just give it to the hospital? I'm glad that they found the child in time but thinking about it, how is the kid going to feel when they grow up and learn that their birth parents tried to kill them? That's going to end up being earth shattering for them. My mom adopted two kids a few years ago: a 6 year old girl and a 2 year old boy. My little brother, now 7 years old, thinks that my mom is his real mother so I know that my mom has struggled with thinking of how they are going to be able to break the news to him so I can't imagine how these parents are going to feel when they will have to tell them. When reading this, it reminded me of a part in The Wordy Shipmates when the mother was so distressed with if she was going to heaven or hell, so she killed her child to ensure that she would go to hell so she could have closure. This is an example that shows how people have these insane thoughts that make sense in the moment and do something rash and horrible.
Man fed son's body to pigs | Jillian Linnear P.8
I'd say that this article is very relevant to us today because we seem to be having more and more cases dealing with children being captured and/or killed by their own family members. This article is most definitely important in opening up people's eyes about how even their closest family members can cause them harm. However the circumstances of this particular case reminds me of Edgar Allan Poe as it seems like it would be something he would write, only with more gory details.
Police officer killed- Simon Waranch, 3rd period
This police officer was doing his job when he was shot and killed. This is appalling. Now a days the big problem is with Police brutality and know one is thinking about the good cops. Yes there are bad cops.. but most are good and this officer does not deserve this. Rest in peace Lloyd Reed.
Burglar stuck in chimney dies after homeowner lights fire - Paisley Norburg 5th Period
Burglar stuck in chimney dies after homeowner lights fire (Paisley Norburg 5th Period)
Taytum Buford-NASA Confirms We Will Experience Darkness
Analysis: Considering it is November 29, I do not think we experienced 15 days of darkness. Honestly, I do not understand why NASA would have confirmed this and it absolutely makes no sense to me whatsoever.
The true meaning of Thanksgiving
What if I told you that there was more to Thanksgiving than the yummy turkey and etc. So why do we celebrate Thanksgiving you might ask? Well, "Thanksgiving" was celebrated by the Pilgrims after their first harvest in the New World in 1621. This feast lasted three days, also fun fact it was attended by 90 Native Americans and 53 Pilgrims. So when exactly did Thanksgiving become a holiday in the United States? It had been celebrated as a federal holiday every year since 1863, when, during the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of "Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father. Hopefully this helped you understand more about the true meaning of Thanksgiving.
Click here for more inforation
Colorado shooting calls for gun control - christa Hamby p1
Kayleigh Smerud Pd. 1
NSA ENDS BULK PHONE DATA CAPTURE Julia Woltjen (3rd period)
The NSA is now ending its bulk collection of cell phone data which has been going on since the terrorist attacks of 9-11. This data collection captured the amount of calls you made, their duration, and the person you were calling. It did not record the data of the actual call itself though. The collection's purpose was said to be the targeting of suspected terrorist activity. But it is now being ended because of the obvious reasons like privacy laws and standards for all of the non-terrorists out there (AKA almost all Americans). Now because of the USA Freedom Act, if the NSA wants to collect data on any calls a warrant must be given to them.
I am very uncomfortable with the fact that this has been happening since 2001, and it is just now being ended. We have had literally no idea about this, or I haven't anyways. There have always been conspiracy theories out there about the government listening to your calls, but to think that something along those lines was actually happening is appalling. I understand the reason for it but for real, not all people in America that are on the phone are terrorists.
Baby Found Under Asphalt- Tea Devereaux
analysis: This is so ridiculous to hear. A young child should never be put under conditions like that until they have the strength to make it out, and even then it doesn't make it ok. California also has a "Baby Safe Surrender Program" which allows parents to drop off babies that they can't take care right into the police's hands. This meas that this parent or parents had no excuse to just bury the baby under asphalt, in my opinion this is just selfish and cowardly and I hope they find the parents and immediately find a safer home for the baby.