Monday, November 3, 2014

White House Security Breach Causes Secret Service Fallout: Reign Washington

 A man with a knife and amunition in his car breached security in the White House. Of cousre he was stopped and apprended but if we cant protect the safest place to be in the U.S how can we be protected in common situations daily. The man was arrested earlier in Virginia and was making a run througth the White House. This highlights the gaps in what we might think is a perfect union with everything downpacked and ready to go. This was also a down fall of the secret service and questioning them on how they let an intrusion occur.

I beleive that this is a great eye opener to show that there are gaps within our system and that we have to be more careful about what happens and what goes on around us.


  1. There have been many breeches lately, I'm glad they are getting a new head of security.

  2. I don't know WHAT the Secret Service have been doing, but it is definitely not anything remotely close to their JOB. The fact that there have been multiple times during which the President's life could have been severely threatened is unacceptable, by anyone's standards.

  3. these complex systems interest me. it makes me curious on how much the people on the outside of the white house know and what has been completely hidden from us.
