Monday, March 17, 2014

McKenzie Hartmann - Rape in Fraternity - 4th Period

This article essentially relays the recent law suit in which a college student is suing a fraternity for damages after she was allegedly raped there two years earlier.  The victim, a freshman at the time, claims she attended the frat house for a "pledge strip party," but was attacked in front of numerous bystanders upon attempting to vacate the premises.  When she left she was immediately escorted by campus police to a nearby hospital where tests were done and evidence conclusively indicated evidence of sexual assault.  In a statement on behalf of the college, a rep claimed they will under no circumstances tolerate this kind of behavior towards its students or on its campus.  However, because the fraternity is technically a separate institution from the college and practices self management, the college is only allowed to intervene in its affairs when an exigent situation arises or a request has been made.  The victims attacker has lead guilty to assault and unlawful restraint, she is seeking $10 million in damages.  There is no verdict yet on the fate of the fraternity, thoughts of now the college is not being held accountable or part of the lawsuit.

I think this is an awful circumstance and feel horrible for the victim and her ordeal.  Reading the comments I saw some truly appalling statements from people.  Some said "She asked for it by attending that party," while others claimed her seeking damages is simply a ploy for attention.  These are so inappropriate and while I feel her struggle is terrible, I think the true tragedy is some people's refusal to acknowledge the severity and suffering surrounded with rape.  Nobody asks to be raped or deserves it.  Whats worse is despite the fact that many witnessed this happening and didn't stop it, not one came forward when witnesses were requested to support her case.  This is just one of those things that really makes you loose faith in humanity.  The only positive thing in this entire article is the victims attempts to get better and make amends.  She has been tormented by this ordeal and instead of hiding or allowing her attacker to win, she speaks out against rape and tries to use her story to inspire women and demonstrate strength in the face of adversity.

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