Friday, March 28, 2014

#cancelcolbert by Ed Kumar 5thperiod

  Stephen Colbert, a comedy central satirist and star of the show The Colbert Report makes a living mocking people but this time he denies a tweet that outraged many. The hast tag #cancelcolbert started to trend after  a tweet from the verified Twitter account for "The Colbert Report" tweeted on Thursday, "I am willing to show the #Asian community I care by introducing the Ching Chong Ding Dong Foundation for Sensitivity to Orientals or Whatever." The tweet has been deleted, but it was originally a riff on a skit Stephen Colbert did on his show. He intended to poke fun at Redskin's owner Dan Snyder's announcement  of a foundation to help Native Americans. The team has received controversy for having a name that some deem to be racist.
     This type of humor may be expected from Colbert on his show, but without the context of the skit , many were outraged. Twitter user Arnesa wrote "Et tu, Stephen? Not funny. It doesn't prove your point. It makes you 'no better' than the racists. #cancelcolbert." A user named Micha tweeted "#CancelColbert Satire to make fun of racists isn't supposed to be hurtful to those who are affected by racism, or you're doing it wrong."
 In response , Colbert issued the statement "
""#CancelColbert - I agree! Just saw @ColbertReport tweet. I share your rage.
Who is that, though? I'm @StephenAtHome," Colbert tweeted with a link to a video of his skit."The Colbert Report" account seconded that, tweeting, "For the record @ColbertReport is not controlled by Stephen Colbert or his show. He is @StephenAtHome Sorry for the confusion #CancelColbert" and "This is a Comedy Central account, with no oversight from Stephen/show""
I don't know if I buy the quick save. Stephen Colbert has been known to let some pretty racial comments fly, but our society should be less sensitive. Come on, this is America, I thought we were passed all this racial sensitivity crap, I mean come on, one little comment can't be that bad. Ching chong ding dong? What does that even mean? Still, nevertheless, the truth is Colbert should not have tweeted what he did. I hope he learned his lesson and is more careful next time.

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