Monday, March 31, 2014

Student banned for hair color? By Valerie Coahuilas

A Michigan high school student says he’s been force to leave his track team just because of his hair. Mike Barker, a 17-year-old junior at West Iron County High School, recently styled his hair into a pink Mohawk to show his mother support his mother, who is battling breast cancer.  When authorities allegedly told him to choose between his hair, which violated school policy, and the team, Barker says, “I picked family." News of Baker’s story has spread in social media with many people showing their support. In the end the school announced that they fully support breast cancer awareness and did not dismiss Baker from the team.


  1. It's funny how social media can change peoples' beliefs.

  2. I agree with Clarie, I feel like that happens every time a school is put into bad light. I'm glad he wasn't dismissed and is gaining support thanks to social media. - Nana Johnson 2nd Period
