Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Unemployment for Veterans - Emily Gray, 5th period

Unemployment has affected many veterans in the United States in the past year. Women veteran unemployment, ages ranging from 18-34, was at 9.6 percent in 2013. The men's unemployment rate, ages 25 to 34, was at 6.5 percent last year. Men ages 18-24 was at 9.6 percent.

The unemployment rate of veterans of he United States in a big issue. They have served our country in many ways and they should be able to come home and start a life after their terms. People who suffer from this unemployment should be recognized and the government should be able to provide those jobs.

- Emily Gray , 5th

Link : http://news.yahoo.com/high-unemployment-still-haunting-military-veterans-034610254--business.html


  1. I agree with you. Going to fight is a huge price to pay, and it is terrible that they cannot support themselves after taking care of the country.
    Ashley Barnes 2nd

  2. I agree with you completely. They should be able to come home and adjust to their old lives without having to worry about "where can I find a good job" because they fully deserve it!

  3. Tyra Harris, 5th period

    It's unfortunate that our country has a long history of not taking care of veterans after they returning to the States. (Hello, Bonus Army & GI Bill!) Our vets need to come home with well paid jobs, good insurance, and affordable housing. Laws need to be passed to ensure the financial stability of our heroes.
